The Journey of Souls 101: Death – Life Between Lives – Rebirth

What happens to us when we die? Where does our soul go?  Chances are, if you were brought up in a religious background you believe that there are only 2 places you can go: Heaven and Hell.  If you are a good person and believe the right things, you spend eternity in Heaven. If you are a sinful person, you spend an eternity in hell.  Thankfully, this is a false dichotomy.

There has been a lot of scientific investigation into what happens when people leave their bodies when it dies and then return after experiencing time in the spirit world.

Thousands of near-death experiences have given us the information we need to form a more accurate picture of what awaits us on the other side.

But more importantly than NDE testimonies is the fact that we can access our own subconscious memories within our souls that remember the journeys our souls took prior to incarnating into this life. Some people may have heard of “past-life regression”, but what we are talking about here is an in-between life regression.Dr. Michael Newton, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist who specialized in hypnotherapy, where he would put people into hypnosis to bring out any past traumas they experienced in their lives and walk them through the memories into healing.

He soon discovered that he was able to bring people back so far into their memories that they were remembering things that weren’t even taking place in this life anymore.  They were taking place in between lives!

The Journey of Souls

In his books Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls (which together have sold over half a million copies) he shares case studies that he has gathered over the course of four decades of bringing people back into the memories of their souls journey. 

Surprisingly, they all said the exact same things, and coincided very nicely with a lot of the NDE accounts that have occurred. Let’s first take a look at the basic process a soul goes through after death.

Remember, this information is not being made up. This is coming from 40 years worth or hypnotic regressions, all of which were consistent with one another and first-hand NDE accounts. The following is a list of the 10 steps our souls take after our physical body dies.

1) Death & departure

Many people will see their physical body right as they exit it at the moment that consciousness disconnects from the physical body. You will be able to see your surroundings and the things that are happening around your dead body.

This will not scare you however, because it will feel as natural as anything. Some people report feeling frustrated or angry over the way they died and wishing that they could go back into their body to seek revenge, but this feeling passes with time as you begin to fall into the Light.

Must-read: Escape ‘Their’ TRAP and Set Your Soul FREE

2) Gateway to the Spirit World

People always report seeing a light when they die. The light appears off in the distance, and you will slowly be pulled towards it, almost as if you are being pulled by a magnet.

The light is always accompanied by a sense of love and peace.  This is your transition phase back to your home in the spirit world.

3) Homecoming

Right when you enter into the spirit world after being pulled through the light, you are greeted by loved ones who are there to embrace you and comfort you. It’s sort of like a reunion. These are not necessarily your relatives from your current earth life. 

They may be family members of yours from previous lives who have been with you throughout your whole souls evolution.

Essentially, you have family members you don’t currently know about from a totally different bloodline who will greet you as you enter the spirit world. You will, of course, remember their names and recognize their faces upon return.

It’s important to note here that the souls will take on the image they had in physical form to create a sense of home and familiarity for you.

Souls don’t look like they did on earth necessary. The body is just a body. The soul is formless, but can take various shapes to serve different purposes. 

It is said that advanced souls who have lived many lives don’t necessarily have relatives that greet them, because they understand what the spirit world is about and have been through many times before. It is said in the books that advanced souls sometimes skip this step because it is not needed for them.

4) Orientation

After we are greeted by familiar spirits, we are taken to our place of healing. This is a sort of inter-dimensional stopover zone. 

This is where we are examined by our guide and go through a life review.  People report seeing their entire life as a sort of movie film in front of their eyes or on the pages of a book.

You may have to see some things that make you feel ashamed and like you failed, but this is not a time of judgment. 

This is a time of review, and discussion about what needs to be improved upon as a soul. After you see your whole life, you may come to an agreement with your guides to come back to Earth to work on things after a certain period of time in the spirit world.

5) Transition

All souls eventually arrive at what is known as a “staging” area. It is described by souls as being similar to a metropolitan area or an airport terminal, and it serves as the first step souls take towards their new placement. 

This unified celestial field is a place of mass transit that transfers you to your next destination.

6) Placement

Souls get placed into groups based on their soul level. These “soul cluster groups” are a kind of learning/support group that souls congregate in for a while.

Each group contains thousands of souls, with smaller secondary groups which contain about 20-50 souls each. You could think of this as a sort of classroom that serves the purpose of community, learning, review, and fellowship.

7) Life selection

There comes a time when the soul has to prepare to leave the comforting sanctuary of the Spirit World and embark upon another journey on earth. 

It can be scary to leave the world of communion and love to be a part of a physical world of fear, competition, and struggle, but it’s necessary for evolution. 

The soul must consider these three questions to get clear about the kind of life they want to live:

  • Am I ready for a new physical life?
  • What specific lessons do I want to undertake to advance my learning and development?
  • Where should I go, and who shall I be in my next life for the best opportunity to work on my goals?

Some souls are reluctant to leave, while others spend just a brief time in the Spirit World because they are so eager to continue to learn. Old souls apparently incarnate less often than younger souls.

8) Choosing a new body

Roughly 90% of Americans are dissatisfied with their bodies. What if this was by design?

According the memories of people in hypnosis, we consciously choose our vehicles before we come here, and our choice of vehicle helps facilitate the learning of the lessons we need to learn.

This turns the tables a bit on the way we think about physical “beauty”. How much easier is it to go through life looking perfect than it would be to deal with feelings of self-hate and judgment?

Which path holds more lessons? When you see someone you think is “ugly” or disabled, just remember that inside that body could be a very old soul who came back to experience something new.

9) Rebirth

We have seen that a soul’s journey to incarnation requires a great deal of preparation, planning, and reflection. After you get clear about what it is you want/need to learn, choose a life, and choose a body, you are ready to reincarnate.

The moment you choose to be reborn is the last moment you get to enjoy the omniscience of knowing who and what they are, and souls often spent their last moments in deep silence and stillness to fully appreciate the experience.

10) You forget all of this

By choosing to forget everything, we give ourselves the opportunity for a genuine experience. It’s no fun going on a roller-coaster you built if you know where all of the turns, loops, and fun parts are.

If you could build your own roller-coaster and then experience it as if you no nothing about its origin or design, you would be able to extract so much more from the experience.

And hear you are reading this now. Perhaps you have known this before, or perhaps this is the first time you have ever been exposed to this information.

Whatever your situation may be, I hope this article awakened something within you and reminded you that there is something more to all of this.


You are a miracle, and your life is not meaningless. You CHOSE to be where you are right now, even if you are in a place that is really difficult to cope with.

In fact, your hardships and difficulties are a blessing because they provide you with an opportunity to do what your soul came here to do in the first place: evolve.

You are operating within physical time, but you belong to to an eternal world.  You are not human.  You are Spirit.

“Human being” is just a mask your soul is wearing right now, and when your mask falls off at physical death, you return back home to the love and light from which you came.

By Steven Bancarz, Spirit Science and Metaphysics | Dr. Michael Newton’s books are available on Amazon.

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