The Swamp Soccer World Championships in Beijing

In How about that

Swamp Soccer World Championships in Beijing 

Swamp Soccer World Cup

A model poses during the annual World Bodypainting Festival in Poertschach, Austria 

Bodypainting festival

Weeki Wachee Springs in Florida is training ordinary women to be real-life mermaids 

Mermaid school

Rebecca and Joseph Fosett along with kids Daisy, 13, and Leo, 10 pose for a family photograph with their camel Kazak around the kitchen table at their home  in Idlicote , Warwickshire. The family's six camels - named Ruby, Sahara, Sophia, Kokoso, Kazak and Veneta - live in fields surrounding their village home. The family have turned their pets into a thriving business, regularly taking friends, family and paying customers on treks across the countryside...  

The camel family

Leo Houlding scales the sheer El Capitan cliff face on his way to becoming the first Briton to ascend it. Leo, 31, agonisingly inched his way up the cliff in Yosemite National Park, California. He was faced with a deluge, which turned the rock face into a waterfall. He camped out for 48 hours on a ledge.  

The week in pictures


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