The Voice UK Jaz Ellington revels he was inspired by murdered friend in gang-related attack

Lara Gould

18:22 EST, 14 April 2012


10:14 EST, 15 April 2012

Singer Jaz Ellington’s highly emotional performance on BBC’s The Voice last night was inspired by the death of his close friend in a gang-related attack.

Fabian Ricketts, 18, was shot in the chest in Battersea, south London, in April 2006, after becoming involved in a gang dispute.

Ellington, 28, who reduced two of the show’s judges to tears as he sang a version of Ed Sheeran’s A Team, followed by John Legend’s Ordinary People, said his friend’s death led him to pursue a music career.

Heartache: Jaz Ellington claimed the final spot in The Voice

Heartache: Jaz Ellington claimed the final spot in The Voice

‘I’ve gone through a lot of heartache and I’ve written about it. I lost Fabian a few years ago. It was like, “Wow, I’m never going to see you again”.

‘The only way I could express that was in a song called Perfect Picture which I sang at his funeral.

‘It was very hard to do but when I wrote the song I felt a bit better. It was really emotional, it was hard.

‘You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone. When Fabian went that was a painful moment for me.

‘I mean, you see these things on TV but when you’re involved yourself it’s madness.’

South London murder victim Fabian Ricketts was an inspiration for him, Jaz Ellington said

South London murder victim Fabian Ricketts was an inspiration for him, Jaz Ellington said

Last night Ellington, the final act of the audition stage of the show, was picked to join  Will.i.Am’s team of ten singers – winning the last place available in the competition.

Will said afterwards: ‘Not only did he sing awesome but he blessed us with a better version of Ordinary People. His name is Jaz because that’s what he wants to do.’

Last night’s show marked the end of The Voice’s audition rounds before the programme moves on to the battleground stage next weekend.


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Should of went on X Factor.

Jaz is absolutely phenomenal. If he released an album tomorrow I would be one of the first to buy it. He had something magical in his voice that bought me to tears.
For all of those commenting on the ‘sob story’ you probably didn’t even hear him sing. Be glad that it inspired him to perform and share his amazing talent with the world.

Every time Will I Am said something ‘in his gut’ was stopping him I felt a bit irritated and annoyed but then when Jaz came on, he was completely vindicated as the guy before him (Kiss From a Rose) and the beautiful blonde girl before him, who’d both been brilliant, didn’t come close to his performance, pathos and charisma… All the judges were gutted as they knew they were listening to something special… it was nice… it was dope!!!

Hardly a sob story he didn’t even mention it on the show let alone to help him get a place in one of the judges top10s, the press are just digging to write something about him. If he was using it as a sob story he would have mentioned it on the show.

This guy has an amazing voice, absolutely amazing.

I have no idea why I am falling in love with, I really thought before the shows I would despise him.

So the key to getting on a ‘singing’ competition is to have a good sob story. Well my gran’s budgie’s great uncle just died so I’m in! Fame here I come!

A good voice so lets just rely on that and leave the sob stories for another day, tragedy should be personal not shared with the country.

I love this show,

All these people slating individuals for having so called sobs stories must have 100% happy lives. We don’t all live in a bubble and more often than not hard luck and heartache are the inspiration for success, you only have to look at the likes of Adelle and James blunt to see that. Cue the red arrows.
– Demi, London, UK, 15/4/2012 11:26 — I dont think that is the case at all we are all aware everyone has their own problems and lives that aint 100% happy but these shows focus more on peoples sob stories than their talent nowadays. I for one was looking forward to a new show that focused not on looks/stories etc but just on their voices and thats not whats happened.

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