Thirteen French soldiers ‘captured by Syrian Army’

“We are in the neighbourhoods of al-Inshaat and al-Tawzii. Al-Inshaat is the
closest neighbourhood to Baba Amr. Obviously there is the resident
population in need of help, as that neighbourhood was also affected by the
violence, but it also hosts many families who have fled Baba Amr,” Hicham
Hassan, spokesman of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)

An ICRC convoy carrying food for “several thousand people” and other relief
supplies had also arrived in Homs from Damascus, the second in less than a
week, he said.

It has also emerged that Syria envoy Kofi Annan will go to Damascus on March

The report claiming that French officers are on the ground came from the Daily
Star, a reputable newspaper in Beirut.

The Daily Star cites a Damascus-based Pro-Syrian Palestinian source as
alleging that the French troops are being held in a field hospital in Homs.

The source claimed officials in Paris and Damascus are brokering a deal on
what to do with the French nationals.

No explanation as to why the French troops had been in Syria was given nor was
any indication as to whether they had been part of a larger contingent.

It was not possible to independently verify the claims.

A foreign ministry spokesman in France said: “We deny the idea that there are
French troops on the ground”. A defence spokesman said: “We have no
information on this. We neither confirm nor deny it”.

Damascus has not commented on the presence of French troops on Syrian soil.

However, Nato
Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said last month it had no intention
of intervening in the country as with Libya.

“No, I don’t think so because Syria is also a different society, it is
much more complicated ethnically, politically, religiously. That’s why I do
believe that a regional solution should be found,” he said.

Homs, 20 miles from the Lebanese border, remains a strategic battleground with
forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad unrelenting in their bombardment
of the area and anti-Assad demonstrators continuing their protests against
the tyrannical dictator.

Activists said yesterday at least 12 people, including three children and
three women, were killed in shelling in Rastan, a suburb of Homs, on Sunday.
Men from another suburb, Baba Amr, were rounded up separately and 10 were
lined up against a wall and shot, activists and refugees claimed.

French journalist Edith Bouvier was smuggled out of Syria with three others
last week after sustaining a broken leg in what some claimed was a
targeted-attack on western reporters.

Marie Colvin, a reporter for The Sunday Times, was killed in the shelling on
February 22 alongside French photojournalist Remi Ochlick. They had been
working from a makeshift media centre in the neighbourhood when they were

The report did not say whether the French troops were part of the mission to
evacuate the reporters, who had been holed up in a safe house for one week
following the deadly shelling.

But in an interview this morning with France Info radio, William Daniels, the
French photographer who escaped with Edith Bouvier, denied any contact with
French forces.

“I never saw any French troops during this operation. We were only with
Syrians from the (rebel) Free Syrian Army. We owe our escape to them,” he

He added: “We were unable to contact anyone (from the French authorities) for
the entire trip as there were no telephone lines, obviously no internet and
no satellite telephones, and anyway we wouldn’t have used a satellite phone
as it would have allowed (the Syrian army) to locate us.”

Accounts of the escape have only mentioned rebel help, although French
Ambassador Eric Chevallier returned to Damascus last week to discuss
extracting the journalists safely.

France announced it was closing its embassy on Friday, as assaults continued
in the region. Britain has already evacuated its embassy.

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