This is what an IMF suicide note looks like
April 5, 2012

From AFP:

A retired pharmacist who shot himself in the head in Athens’ busiest square, sparking clashes between protesters and police, left a suicide note lamenting poverty and despair, excerpts showed Thursday.

The 77-year-old man, who killed himself under a cypress tree in Syntagma Square on Wednesday, about hundred metres (yards) from parliament, said government austerity cuts had “wiped out” his pension and left him in penury.

The following suicide note excerpt was published by Greek newspapers:

The occupation government of Tsolagoglou (reference to the Occupation govt of the ex-Defence Minister Tsolagoglou who became Quisling Prime Minister of the 3rd Reich) has erased essentially any possibility of my survival which was based on a decent pension which for 35 years, I alone (without the intervention of the state) had paid.

I am at an age which doesn’t give me the individual capacity for a dynamic intervention (without of course precluding that if one Greek took up arms-Kalashnikovs, the second person would be me) I cant find another solution from a decent end before I end up looking in the rubbish bins for food.

I believe that the young without a future, one day will take up arms and in Sindagma Sq will hang upside down the national traitors like the Italians did with Mussolini (Piazza Poreto Milan)

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15 Responses to “This is what an IMF suicide note looks like”

  1. Sorry for the wrong spellings,i thing you get the mening,Unspun!


  3. I can’t believe it came down to this…
    They made him work untill he could not any more, then even took the money from him that he had put aside for his retirment.

    The striped him down untill he had absolutly nothing left.


    • Please. A society that will abort its children ever after they are born and you are suprised by this? The time to prevent this was 40 years ago when the first abortion laws were passed. It is too late now.

  4. IMO, this is coming to America and a lot of people are wondering when it strikes, will there be a distinction between private sector pensions versus public sector pensions which feed off of the tax payers dollars.

    Either way, with inflation of the price of real comodities and necessities, along with devaluation of the US dollar, hyper inflation could annihilate private savings and privately generated pensions. A lot of people are realizing that private savings and privately funded pensions are being liquidated through inflation and devaluation to prop up the public sector and that’s a crying shame, because the private sector does not get any support or contributions off of the taxpayers dole.

    Condsidering the fact that the private sector must turn a profit or go under, we work a lot harder and longer hours to support the public sector gravey train and that’s a crying shame, has been a crying shame for decades now. It’s like everyone inthe private sector has to work over time for a flat rate too boot, to support an early retirement with all the perks that comprises the public sector and it’s become a lot like cast system.

    I say all of this because my counter parts in the public sector that are the same age as me are going out on retirement and I’ve still got 5 to 7 years to go and I have no public funded sector health plan or benifits when I finally do go out. And to add insult to injury, those in the public sector that I know, that could not make it in the private sector, are laughing at me and telling me to keep working, as they go out and feed off of the ever escalating debt. Hey, they were bums when they were working in the private sector and they are still bums as they retire early with a full pension and health benefits, including dental and a bunch of other stuff the rest of us can never afford to have for life.

    If the US dollar does collapse, one good thing about it will be watching these bums suffer when the gravy train checks stop. We’ve got to many bums feeding off the public dole and it’s time for a real lousing. If they are going to laugh at the private sector and tell us to keep working until we’re 70, then I’ll be happy to laugh at them when the checks stop and have to learn they are not holier than thou.

    • And why should we bail out Greece, so they can retire even earlier than we do??? What’s wrong with that picture???!!! and next they’ll be telling me I’ve got to work until I am 75 to pay for all of this that I myself can not have.

      BS budy and they can go and eat crow as far as I am concerned!!!

      • All respect to you as an 75 year old man,i am a litle younger just 59.
        But, sir,this i learned as a child to titulate older,you forget which banks that robbed his money,the Credit Default Swap Squids, of YOUR contry amognst others,so i think you deserve to show this man a litle respect,a 77 year old man who was robbed his life.
        Dont go the speculaters way,cuase they dint give a cent or you to.
        Lets all show some respect for a man who lost all,shall we?

  5. So sad. We won’t see that here because the gov’t is loving. and won’t do that to us. Our young people don’t even know who Mussolini is. Fascism is good for us.

    I believe that we should take cares of our own. My parents will live with me when they get old like that. I bet if he were younger, he’d show them where to put their austerity measures.

  6. This is so incredibly sad I don’t even have the words…..

  7. All I can say is that this is a sorrowful moment for not only the Greeks but humanity at large.

    Please everyone do not let this poor man’s action be in vain..let this act of desparation on the part of one old man be the rallying cry to everyone everywhere to rise up and hold the vile filth at the top who are running the world into the ground to account!


  8. May God grant him peace. Let this be a warning to America…we’re next…

  9. This is what they want. Saves them the price of a bullet! Dont Give Them NOTHING! MCB

  10. He shot the wrong man.


    • Yeah.

  11. R.I.P

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