Top cop reassures Qld over bikie threat

Queensland’s top cop says police are ready for a national gathering of a notorious bikie gang, the Gypsy Jokers, in Brisbane this week.

Amid fears of a turf war as the gang apparently tries to establish a foothold in the state, Police Commissioner Bob Atkinson says police are planning for the gathering, and will act on any associated criminal activity.

“Much of our work in relation to OMCGs (outlaw motor cycle gangs) remains covert and out of the public eye. However, a lack of visibility should not be confused with a lack of activity,” he says in a statement.

“We are always concerned and aware of the potential for conflict between OMCGs competing for lucrative illicit activities,” says Mr Atkinson.

“We took appropriate action after the recent disagreement and physical altercation between members of two OMCG groups at a Gold Coast nightclub.

The Courier-Mail says the Gypsy Jokers, which has a minimal presence in Queensland, is trying to muscle its way into the state, a move that could spark a battle over turf.

The gang is notorious for its links to the 2001 car bomb murder in Perth of former police officer Don Hancock in retaliation for the death of gang member Billy Grierson.

He says that since 2007, when the dedicated bikie gang squad known as Taskforce Hydra began operating, 972 people – most members and associates of outlaw bikie gangs – have been charged with about 2,700 offences, including attempted murder, arson, torture, weapon and drug offences.

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