Trayvon Martin shooting: CCTV shows George Zimmerman not injured

Ben Crump, an attorney for Martin’s family said, “this certainly doesn’t
look like a man who police said had his nose broken and his head repeatedly
smashed into the sidewalk.”

“George Zimmerman has no apparent injuries in this video, which
dramatically contradicts his version of the events of February 26,” he

Meanwhile, Zimmerman’s attorney, Craig Sonner, has said in numerous interviews
that his client’s nose was broken during the fight with Martin.

Zimmerman said he was pursuing 17-year-old Martin, who was not armed, because
the teen was acting suspiciously.

He said he lost sight of the black teenager and Martin attacked him as he
headed back to his car.

Police have declined to arrest Zimmerman, triggering protests across the US
with people arguing that Zimmerman, who is half white and half Hispanic,
found Martin suspicious and followed him because he was black.

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