Troops Go Door To Door Doing ‘Wellness Checks’ In Virginia, Ohio


National Guard troops are conducting door to door “wellness checks”
in areas of Virginia and Ohio following power outages due to severe
heat and storms.

WDTV in West Virginia reports that “The National Guard is checking to make sure everyone is doing well.”

The report also states that some guardsmen have been instructed to
go to people’s homes and carry out “personal health checks”.

“Since thousands were out of power in Harrison County and there’s
been times the 911 center was down, the National Guard was going from
house to house in places like Lost Creek, West Milford and Johnstown to
see how everyone was holding up and getting them the help they may
need.” the report states.

In Ohio, the Mansfield News Journal
reports that “some 200 Guard troops were launching door-to-door checks
in the Columbus area and the Dayton area…”, and that they could be
sent to other areas.

“They were initially focusing on retirement communities and other
neighborhoods with large numbers of older people to make sure they have
access to water and medications and know that air-conditioned cooling
centers were available.” the report continues.

A state of emergency has been declared in both states, with the
president also directing FEMA to coordinate federal assistance to state
and local officials in impacted areas.

Some have expressed concern that troops are being deployed to do door to door checks with little announcement of the fact.

Despite the constitutional protections outlined in the Posse
Comitatus Act and the Insurrection Act, there has been and is on ongoing
push to blur the divisions between military and domestic law
enforcement officials.

National Guard troops are routinely involved in ‘urban warfare
training’ drills. Usually such drills take place within the confines of
military bases, however, more recently heavily armed troops are
increasingly seen patrolling residential neighborhoods and even the downtown areas of major US cities.

Such “invasions” are often reported on as nothing to worry about and even as “cool”.

Indeed, back in 2008 the Washington Post reported
how 20,000 U.S. troops returning from Iraq would be stationed inside
America under Northcom for purposes of “domestic security” from
September 2011 onwards.

Northcom officials were forced to subsequently issue a denial after the Army Times initially reported that the troops would be used to deal “with civil unrest and crowd control.”

As Alex Jones exposed back in the late 1990’s, U.S. troops have been
training to impose martial law for a considerable amount of time. During
numerous urban warfare drills that Jones attended and reported on,
troops were trained to raid, arrest and imprison U.S. citizens in
detention camps as well as taking over public buildings and running
checkpoints. During role playing exercises, actors playing prisoners
would scream “I’m an American citizen, I have rights” as they were being
dragged away by troops.

The fact that such drills are now set to involve Russian soldiers training on U.S. soil to hunt “terrorists” has also caused consternation.

Federal authorities in the United States have clearly been preparing for domestic civil unrest for a number of years. The Department of Homeland Security recently purchased
a staggering 450 million rounds of hollow point bullets as well as
bullet-proof checkpoint booths that include ‘stop and go’ lights.

In addition, worrying legislation such as the National Defense Authorization Act,
has paved the way for the incarceration of American citizens under
military laws, and numerous leaked and semi-secret documents position
the army as partners to domestic federal agencies in quelling unrest in
America and even engaging in missions involving the ”resettlement” of US citizens.


Steve Watson – July 3, 2012 – InfoWars



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