TSA Hired Accused Alleged Sex Abuse Priest Pedophile As Screener

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Man was removed from ministry after three reported cases of sexual abuse against young girls

Steve Watson
May 25, 2012

TSA Hired Accused Alleged Sex Abuse Priest Pedophile As Screener  gty tsa screeners lax jrs 120425 wmain

A former Catholic priest who was defrocked after it was discovered he had sexually abused young girls is now working as a security screener for the TSA it has been revealed.

The CBS 3 I-Team in philadelphia reports that Thomas Harkins, a priest in South Jersey until 2002, is now working at a security terminal at Philadelphia International Airport.

Although his main duty is to screen baggage, part of Harkins’ job with the TSA also involves screening passengers passing through body scanners and conducting pat-downs where necessary.

“The Diocese of Camden removed him from ministry because it found he sexually abused two young girls. Now, in a new lawsuit, a third woman is claiming she also is one of Harkins’ victims.” the CBS affiliate reports.

Details of the new lawsuit filed in a federal court against Harkins were revealed by the CBS team and they do not make for pretty reading. It says that he sexually abused an 11-year-old girl up to 15 times in the early 1980s when he was a priest at Saint Anthony of Padua parish in Hammonton, NJ.

The CBS team tracked Harkins down and confronted him over the allegations. He refused to answer questions and sought refuge in a restricted TSA security area.

“They should know who they’re hiring,” Karen Polesir, a Philadelphia spokeswoman with the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP) told CBS.

“As the public, we are screened to our underwear getting on a plane, and yet they hire a man like that.” she added.

Watch the CBS report:

The TSA claims that it puts all its employees through background checks, and that Harkins was not flagged because criminal charges were never brought against him.

However, as we have repeatedly noted, this is not an isolated case. In fact, the TSA has consistently hired violent criminals and even pedophiles, indicating that the agency does not follow through on background checks.

Last month, a television station in Atlanta reported that the TSA is so swamped with background checks it is now hiring just about anybody to grope and irradiate the public.

“In a move that could affect security at airports around the nation, the Transportation Security Administration confirmed Wednesday it had such a backlog of background security checks, airport employers were allowed to hire any employee needed,” WSBTV reported. “TSA officials said the background checks are delayed, but they are processing them as fast as they can.”


Steve Watson is the London based writer and editor for Alex Jones’ Infowars.net, and Prisonplanet.com. He has a Masters Degree in International Relations from the School of Politics at The University of Nottingham in England.

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35 Responses to “TSA Hired Accused Alleged Sex Abuse Priest Pedophile As Screener”

  1. this sick bastard and every single pedophile I run across once the SHTF, i will put a bullet right between their eyes!

    captain obvious Reply:
    May 25th, 2012 at 9:25 am

    agreed, those who would victimize children need to be shot.
    no jail and get outta jail free card, just outright elimination.

    hellangone Reply:
    May 25th, 2012 at 11:38 am


    That would be harming a Federal employee, and is a felony (not!).

    captain obvious Reply:
    May 25th, 2012 at 1:05 pm

    ahhh but if someone had done the right thing back when,
    the perv wouldnt BE a “federal employee” today,
    whats the bet he’d be screaming “diplomatic immunity!”.

    hellangone Reply:
    May 25th, 2012 at 3:12 pm

    @captain obvious:


  2. defrocked? wtf wasn’t he in jail?!

    sbee1441 Reply:
    May 25th, 2012 at 10:13 am

    Usually they move them to another church. Surprised to see this one defrocked.

    captain obvious Reply:
    May 25th, 2012 at 1:06 pm

    the people should NOT have settled out of court.

    Ho of Babylon Reply:
    May 25th, 2012 at 3:13 pm

    I can’t imagine how anyone could do so knowing the likelihood of recidivism. 🙁

  3. If everyone would just slow down and stop flying for about a couple of weeks the airports would have to change. Lets have an “Occupy TSA” rally and get our airports back.

    Dandroid Reply:
    May 25th, 2012 at 10:12 am


  4. A prayer answered. Now he gets to do legally what he was defrocked for from the church. And every nght, he’s probably on his hands and knees, thanking his former boss. Will miracles never cease.

  5. bunga-bunga-party OMG! Did Obama or the butler do it?



  6. Well, gotta admit he converted to the right organization !

  7. Amen.

  8. That is complete bullshit the TSA did not know about the priest and his predilections. The NCIC List not only contains what you have been charged and convicted of, it also contains what you are suspected of, plus a whole lot more personal and sensitive information on you. See they can’t admit that though because then the sheeple would know the Federal Government has been illegally collecting information on us since well before 9/11. We are talking for multiple decades prior. I know this about the NCIC List for a fact and have had it confirmed by people I know who are and were employed in law enforcement.

    They hired this sicko because that is the exact type of person the TSA wants in their Stasi like organization.

    Spymyeys Reply:
    May 25th, 2012 at 10:17 am

    thank you Mr. chance, very well said.

    jchance Reply:
    May 25th, 2012 at 2:22 pm

    Not a problem. I am just speaking the facts. Hell I got to see my full copy of my NCIC, not the safe for the public version you get when you request a copy of it, and I was shocked to see what they have me suspected of and this was almost 20 years ago. The sad part is though, there is no way to know what they have in that file beyond the safe for public version unless you know someone in law enforcement who is willing to risk their job to give you a full copy, and even then you have no legal repercussions to fix blatant and inflammatory lies about you because the government has plausible deniability on what is truly contained in your NCIC where officially it only contains things like what you have been charged and convicted of.

  9. Who blew up the airport? It was that TSA guy who has a background of being violent and knows how to make bombs but slipped through the background check.

    Safe? NOT!!!!!

  10. Why the hell is the TSA hiring like there is no tomorrow?? The revenues at all the airlines is way way down so what do they need extra perverts for? This is sickening, just want to puke over the g-damned – and they surely must be – SOBs in our so-called gov’t that is promoting this travesty and it’s Obombya, Pistole, Strap on Janet, and the rest of the Facist bastards in Washington doing their dirty work. Filthy rotten dirty bastards go to hell and burn forever! Stop flying everyone – let them grope each other – big orgy’s to happen in all the airports. They should sell tickets to the freak-show.

    mindboggled Reply:
    May 25th, 2012 at 12:07 pm

    samy….. I’ve noticed that also. Been out of work for most of a year, and while TSA starts at a wage I could more than live on, I’ll pass.
    I think the reason they’re hiring continually is not only for the purpose of increasing their numbers, but also to replace those they lose. Can you imagine, having gone to work for them a few years ago, thinking all you would be doing is inspecting suitcases, and then being told you have to do THIS? Imagine how many bail.

  11. hey you going to come out with a ice tea drink
    you should call it Two if by Tea

  12. who u think owns tsa and homeland insecurity the vatican pagan church of paedophiles is this not sick and you wonder why they hire perverts to do their bidding for the pope is a paedophile as well and satanist

  13. Hold up, I’m all confused. If the NWO is against Christianity, then why do they reward the Christian (mostly Catholic) priests who get in trouble? Has the church been infiltrated by the NWO then?

    captain obvious Reply:
    May 25th, 2012 at 1:10 pm

    catholic church IS satanic, in “Christian camo”.
    rothschilds are bankster to the vatican,
    hitler was the illegit son of a rothschild…

  14. Quotation by Spymyeys:

    “this sick bastard and every single pedophile I run across once the SHTF, i will put a bullet right between their eyes!”

    More keyboard bravery by the truth squad. Once the SHTF? When? You guys going to leave your computer chairs in another 11 years?

    Tom Reply:
    May 25th, 2012 at 12:11 pm

    54543434 — When your bosses create the “shit hitting the fan”, you’ll have to hide, boy.

    captain obvious Reply:
    May 25th, 2012 at 1:19 pm

    banned again not 5 little dots anymore, just an underscore, rofl.
    got enough junk e-mail accounts to do this BS all year?
    havent proved to enough people enough times you’re a complete twat?
    did Spymyeys threat to paedophiles concern you personally a bit much?

  15. Pedophile Priests find great new second jobs!

    Go, Catholics, go!!!

  16. TSA, The Next Generation: Episode 1, Catholic Priest Screeners

  17. If CNN ran this story as leading news, the public would be outraged.

    That’s why I have to read this on pP.

  18. Wow, alot of deleted entries in the last few hours….

  19. CNN is losing it’s ass because they are damn liars. Liars and propaganda. We don’t watch any lamestream media channels anymore and they too are aiding the destruction of our great country by not putting out the truth in journalism. But then the journalists are brainwashed in the universitys and they come out spewing the crap that they eventually write. The world is full of bullshit artists. Money talks and bullshit is supposed to walk but they are unfortunately in bed with each other. The whole friggin world seems to be infiltrated by the NWO or some form of it. It’s like being in a shit stew.

  20. i havent ridden a plane since 2000 and will never ever get on one unless my life depended on it – go F yourself TSA

  21. Being a TSA screener must be like being a member of the Manson family. Can you imagine how awkward it must be to sit at a dinner table with one of those misfits? Not that I would choose to eat dinner with these cretens but in a public setting when I wasn’t expecting it but somehow had to talk to one of those fuckin’ idiots!!!

    “Hey I have a legitimate career what do you do”?

    “Well, I fucked up my life and now since I cannot get work anywhere else the government took me under their wing to feel up your children”.

    At that point I just kick their ass!!!

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