Expose Bilderberg 2012 Itinerary

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Full details for next week’s historic protest

Prison Planet.com
Friday, May 25, 2012

Bilderberg 2012 is set to be the scene of the biggest ever protest against the secretive organization. Listed below are the details and meet-up times for what promises to be a momentous occasion.

Expose Bilderberg 2012 Itinerary Bilderberg protest

Thursday May 31st 1PM: Everybody to mass near the main entrance to the hotel. This is the key arrival time for Bilderberg members.

Friday June 1st 1PM: The first major bullhorning and protest of Bilderberg will take place at this time.

Saturday June 2nd 10AM and 6PM to dark: Saturday will see two main rallies, one in the morning and one in the evening until nightfall. Since this is the rally likely to be accessible to most people, please attend this one if you cannot make it to any of the others.

Sunday June 2nd 8AM-1PM: We expect most Bilderberg members to leave on Sunday morning. Please be in place nice and early to give them a good send off!

Bilderberg 2012 is going to be historic in terms of a record number of people who have ever protested against Bilderberg. We will force the media to cover the significance of the secretive cabal like never before.

This is about protesting the real power elites, not their puppets. Please obey all laws but be vocal and bring your own banners. Also be sure to bring provisions such as food and water.

Bilderberg 2012 is shaping up to be something the global elite will never forget. This protest really could demolish the secrecy that Bilderberg so desperately craves and crush the group’s to operate behind closed doors without any significant media spotlight.

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4 Responses to “Expose Bilderberg 2012 Itinerary”

  1. Their agenda is more of the same until stopped.

  2. These are people connected with those that want to reduce the worlds population by half. I hate to say it but I think protesting like this is a total waste. They are at a point now where they don’t care if they are known. We have shown by our total inaction they can get away with anything. You want to make a statement, you really want to send them the message it’s not going to be that easy. Try shooting a laws rocket into their little parade. But standing their with a bull horn shouting you know what they are up to, makes no difference, the majority of the population will never see it, and further more most just don’t give a good god dam.

    Scorpion Reply:
    May 25th, 2012 at 4:19 pm

    Great points Dalgast, it is nice to see another realist on this forum. These guys who are traveling to Virginia to protest Bilderberg are just wasting their time. As you said, these globalists don’t care if they’re exposed, since they have most of the power anyways. I notice on the article that it says to “obey all laws,” well, umm, since many of the unjust laws we have today come through these people, how can we obey them and expect to achieve anything.

  3. I’m tempted to advocate an open carry demonstration as a display of power, but that could be like putting dry timber next to a bonfire! Whaddya think? Virginia does have very lax gun laws relative to the rest of the East…

    We might also bring a projector or something similar to bring everyone onto the same page about the group’s activities.

    Or we could all smoke out, since that would bring in the 420 crowd, too. Smoke out the vermin, Bilderberg 420… that brings cops and people looking for a freebie!

    I dunno, keep brainstorming!!! And remember to bring your drones!

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