tsu social network - main

14th November 2014

By Andy Whiteley

Co-Founder of Wake Up World

Every time you create a post on Facebook, send out a Tweet or share a photo on Instagram, that content provides a financial value to those companies. Currently, around 2 billion people create content on social media platforms, and so, in the spirit of give and take, isn’t it about time that someone created a social media model that allowed everyone to prosper?

Founder of tsū Sebastian Sobcza has done just that. And over the past few weeks, Wake Up World has been testing out this new social network, which rewards users for their input.

What is tsū?

tsū (pronounced ‘sue’) is a free invitation-only social platform that gives 90% of its ad revenue back to its users — the people who spend the time and effort creating the content that keeps people coming back to social network sites in the first place.

Click to join Wake Up World on TSU

Sebastian, founder of tsū, explains: “Established social networks have built amazing business models prospering on the total monetization of free user-generated content… Why should anyone commercially benefit from someone else’s image, likeness and work giving no financial return to the owner? The markets we participate in are enormous, growing, and can materially compensate each user — we’re simply and uniquely rewarding the users who are doing all the work. This is the way the world should work.”

Sounds fair to me. Especially when you consider that Facebook, for example, hosts approximately 1.3 billion users each month [1], earning the company US$7.87 billion in revenue last year, with the total value of its financial assets (then) approaching the US$18 billion mark. [2] Even the small-by-comparison Twitter hosts 271 million users [3] with a total revenue in 2013 of US$664 million [4] while Instagram, currently the fastest growing social platform [5] (and a subsidiary of Facebook Inc.) is valued at approximately US$500 million. [6]

There is certainly no shortage of revenue where social media is concerned.

How does tsū work?

Social media platforms generate their revenue from third party ads, sponsorships and partnerships. The more activity, or traffic they draw to their site, the more valuable those sponsorships become.

Differentiating itself from other social platforms, tsū acknowledges the value of its users, and rewards them by sharing the revenues generated by their social activity.

Once economic value is created, tsū receives 10% for maintaining the platform. Half of the remaining revenue (45%) is paid to the user who created the content, and the remainder (45%) is distributed through the user’s network (or ‘family tree’).

TSU Revenue

Is tsū popular?

Since launching to the public in October 2014, tsū has generated some serious traffic! Over the past weeks we have received numerous invitations to join their network, which is what first prompted us to check it out. Judging by the alexa.com ranking graph below, it seems people are really warming to this new social media model.

TSU Alexa Ranking

Since Wake Up World joined the tsū network, we have posted a few articles and shared some pictures, just to test the waters. Initially, people seems quite active and willing to connect. Without asking anyone to visit our page, we have organically found over  190 followers and friends already!

How do I join?

New members can only join tsū by user invitation. Their invite-only system enables tsū to track network value and distribute revenue to the users who help them grow.

Click here to receive an invitation from us to you


What can I do with money earnt on tsū?

Users can receive a cheque for the revenue they earn, once their balance reaches US$100. Users also have the ability to transfer funds in their tsū account to other friends, charities or members in the network. This alone could mean millions of dollars are directed to worthwhile causes and community activities, rather than ending up on a corporate profit statement.


Screenshot provided by tsu.co

If you’re interested in checking out this new social platform, read on for more…

Content is the key!

In social media, content is the key. It’s simple – the more engaging you are, the more social activity you generate. In the tsū model, your content contribution is rewarded via your tsū bank balance.

But where can you find content to share?

You’re looking at it! ;)

Over the past 3 years, Wake Up World has published over 2600 articles. In this time, we are proud to say that content has helped us grow a Facebook community of over 1.3 million people, and we are certain our content will continue to find new audiences on the new tsū platform as well. But we can’t post a back-catalogue that big all at once…

So today, we’re inviting Wake Up World readers to join the invitation-only tsū network and share our content far and wide! A win/win/win situation.

To get started, join the tsū network here. You can then invite your family and friends to join too. (You don’t have to invite anyone, but social media is always more fun with your friends!)

Next, check out the article categories on Wake Up World that most interest you… share some articles with your tsū community… help us share the Wake Up World vibe on this new social platform… and be rewarded for doing it!

Below are some popular categories to get you started, or you can browse our article categories on Wake Up World for plenty more:

Animals – Environment – Monsanto – Gardening – Health/Wellbeing – Detoxing – Fluoride – GMOs – Hemp/Cannabis – Nutrition – Meditation – Survival – Turmeric – Science/Technology – Society – Healthy Recipes – Multidimensionality – Government – The Good News – Astrology

See you on tsū!

ps. we’ll add a new tsū ‘share’ button to our articles as soon as one is available.