Turkmenistan increases Iran gas supply

“Since a few days ago the Turkmen Gas Company has increased its natural gas exports to Iran [through the Dowlatabad-Sarakhs gas pipeline] based on the agreement between the two countries,” Javad Owji said on Tuesday.

Earlier this month, the Turkmen Gas Company had reduced to half its natural gas exports to Iran without prior notice due to the extremely cold weather in Central Asia.

The Dowlatabad-Sarakhs gas pipeline was officially inaugurated last winter to increase Iran’s gas imports from Turkmenistan to 14 billion cubic meters per year.

Iran started importing natural gas from Turkmenistan in 1995 after the two sides signed a 25-year contract. The contract has bound Turkmenistan to gradually increase gas exports to Iran to 8 billion cubic meters per year at a fixed price.

The Islamic Republic distributes the gas it imports from Turkmenistan to its northeastern provinces, which are distant from Iran’s southern gas-rich regions.


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