Two arrested over war memorial items theft

Police have charged two men with stealing a number of commemorative items from the ANZAC War Memorial in Sydney.

Police were informed about 4.30pm Friday by staff at the memorial in Hyde Park that coins and other items had been stolen, including 10 commemorative coins honouring the ‘Guerillas of Timor’, and an ANZAC biscuit lunch box with War Memorial collector cards inside.

Police say the items were taken from the service counter.

Police viewed security vision from the War Memorial, and later arrested two men, aged 33 and 23, in Hyde Park North, and say they found most of the stolen items in one of the man’s backpack.

The younger man has been charged with stealing, possessing car breaking implements and breaching bail over an incident relating to Occupy Sydney protests.

He has been refused bail and will appear at Parramatta Local Court on Saturday.

The other man has been charged with stealing and granted conditional bail to appear at Downing Centre Local Court on March 2.

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