Two charged after drugs bust

Two men have been charged after police uncovered a stash of party drugs and cash during raids in central Sydney.

The men, aged 48 and 39, were arrested on Thursday night as they left an apartment in Castlereagh Street, in the CBD.

Detectives searched the apartment and allegedly found 50 grams of the drug ice, a credit card skimming device, blank credit cards and $8,500 in cash.

They raided a second apartment in Brumby St, Surry Hills, and allegedly found 1 kilogram of ice, 7.5 litres of GHB – known as fantasy – as well as ecstasy, cocaine, steroids and $13,000.

A stun-gun was also found in a car belonging to one of the men, police say.

Police say the drugs and items they recovered were worth at least $245,000.

The 39-year-old was charged with supplying a commercial quantity of illicit drugs and goods in custody.

The other man was charged with drug and fraud offences.

Both appeared at Sydney’s Central Local Court on Friday.

They were remanded in custody and are due to appear before the same court on September 9.

Three other men have previously been arrested as part of the same police investigation.

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