U.S. Bilderberg Attendees Violating Federal Law, Activists Say

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Alex Newman
New American
June 3, 2012

As a shadowy collection of the world’s power brokers gathers in Chantilly, Virginia, for the elite Bilderberg conference this weekend under unprecedented media scrutiny, activists from across the political spectrum are arguing that U.S. citizens attending the controversial confab are potentially committing a felony by violating the Logan Act. And while the chances of charges being brought anytime soon are probably slim, anti-Bilderberg protesters admit, more than a few critics of the meeting are still loudly calling for federal prosecutions to bring any and all perpetrators to justice.

The yearly gathering includes media magnates, titans of industry, top bankers, influential politicians, royalty and nobility, prominent academics, military and “intelligence” chieftains, and many other members of the so-called “global elite.” And the 2012 conference is no different. According to a guest list released by the group — which analysts who study Bilderberg say typically omits certain key participants — there are about 50 Americans in attendance, all of them extraordinarily influential. Other participants hailed mostly from Europe, though even a high-ranking official from the Communist dictatorship ruling China was in attendance this year.

The legal problem raised by critics is that federal law specifically bars any U.S. citizen without government permission from working with foreign officials on matters of policy. Passed under the John Adams administration in 1799, the Logan Act was amended as recently as the 1990s and, despite almost never being used, remains on the books today. And that, Bilderberg opponents say, means that Americans meeting with foreign officials at the secretive gathering should be investigated and eventually prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

The Logan Act states, in part: “Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.”

Numerous bloggers and activists have suggested that, based just on what is known already from public statements, simply attending a Bilderberg meeting should constitute sufficient grounds for immediate arrest and investigation of Americans. At least one activist and commentator, Brian D. Hill, has already notified police of the potential violation at what he described to law enforcement as the “criminal gathering” in Virginia. It was not immediately clear whether authorities looked into the matter.

“This is illegal,” popular radio-host Alex Jones, famous for using a bullhorn to lambaste elite attendees from afar, was quoted as saying by the U.K. Guardian newspaper as he led chanting “Occupy Bilderberg” protesters outside the gathering. “Government officials meeting and discussing policy with private interests in secret, or representatives of other governments, is a violation of the Logan Act.”

Protesters gathered outside the Westfields Marriot hotel where the Bilderberg meeting is underway also demanded prosecutions, calling on police to arrest the participants for everything from violations of the Logan Act to involvement in war crimes, mass murder, conspiracy, and more. Other activists carried signs urging law enforcement officials to take action against what critics consistently refer to as a gathering of “criminals.”

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“All of them are in violation of the law and should be arrested immediately,” noted liberty-minded analyst Kurt Nimmo in a piece declaring that the meeting was itself illegal. “Considering their other crimes — war, mass murder, the theft of trillions and other assorted monumental scams and felonies — violating the Logan Act pales in comparison. It would be nice, though, if one or two of the cops now surrounding the Marriott in Chantilly marched into the meeting and arrested a few of the traitors.”

In online forums, blog posts, and the comment sections of news articles all across the internet, commentators outraged about alleged Logan Act violations and the secret meeting more broadly also demanded that American attendees be arrested. Some even pondered what would happen if a brave public official decided to risk an attempt at actually enforcing the law.

“Considering the Logan Act is still on the books, the participation of government officials at Bilderberg is blatantly illegal,” noted a commenter on an online forum of dedicated Rep. Ron Paul supporters, wondering what would happen if Virginia Gov. Robert McDonnell decided to arrest the participants. “We have the complete list of attendants, so, in a just world, it would not be difficult to prosecute these criminals.”

Last year, Rep. Paul himself called for an investigation and noted that U.S. officials participating in the yearly gathering — specifically Texas Gov. Rick Perry — were quite possibly breaking the law. “This information about him going over there and violating the Logan Act and getting involved, I’m just impressed that that’s in the ordinary media — I think that’s encouraging, too,” Paul said during an interview on talk radio, noting that Gov. Perry’s attendance was “a sign that he’s involved in the international conspiracy.”

But while the potential Logan Act violations were generally overlooked in most of the U.S. press, foreign reporters and news outlets did mention it — especially in, bizarrely enough, Russia. “The Bilderberg Conference may have been largely ignored by the media in decades past, but with this year’s gathering garnering perhaps the most attention in recent memory, the actions of elected US officials this time could end up being enough to bring charges against them,” reported the Kremlin-funded RT broadcaster.

Even Pravda ran an online column attacking the meeting and the alleged law breaking going on there. “The Bilderbergs are people who say they are helping humanity so they can make a buck, but are as arrogant as Lucifer and no more sympathetic than he is towards mankind,” wrote Xavier Lerma, claiming that the “Communists took over” America decades ago. “Why is the Bilderberg meeting a big deal. Well, for one thing it is illegal under the Logan Act which makes their New World Order illegal.”

There were more than a few Americans directly tied to government in attendance at this year’s gathering. Among them: NSA chief General Keith Alexander; Thomas Donilon, Obama’s National Security Adviser; former U.S. National Security Adviser and “New World Order” promoter Henry Kissinger; failed GOP Presidential hopeful and former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman; Senator John Kerry (D-Mass.); World Bank boss Robert Zoellick; Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Co-Chair and former Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin; and many others.

Outside of government – at least officially – were other important U.S. players in global affairs. Banking, media, industry, tax-exempt foundations, internet, and many other fields were represented. Some of the American attendees included Michael Evans, the vice chairman of Goldman Sachs; Reid Hoffman, the co-founder and executive chairman of the social-networking site LinkedIn; Environmental Defense Fund President Fred Krupp; Dow Chemical chief Andrew Liveris; Carnegie Endowment boss Jessica Mathews; Washington Post CEO Donald Graham, Craig Mundie, Chief Research and Strategy Officer for Microsoft; Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan; Citigroup Vice Chairman Peter Orszag; Arch neo-conservative Richard Perle with the American Enterprise Institute; media icon Charlie Rose; Eric Schmidt, the executive chairman of Google; and many more.

Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels also appeared at the gathering briefly, leading Bilderberg commentators to speculate that he may have been vetted or groomed for future positions of influence, including possibly the Vice President slot on a Mitt Romney GOP ticket. Daniels apparently left early and returned to Indiana on Friday, local media reported. Posters on Twitter also cited the Logan Act while blasting his attendance.

“The Conference will deal mainly with political, economic and societal issues like Transatlantic Relations, Evolution of the Political Landscape in Europe and the US, Austerity and Growth in Developed Economies, Cyber Security, Energy Challenges, the Future of Democracy, Russia, China and the Middle East,” claimed an official press release by the controversial group, founded more than 50 years ago by Nazi SS member Prince Bernhard of Holland and others. “The meeting is private in order to encourage frank and open discussion…. At the meetings, no resolutions are proposed, no votes taken, and no policy statements issued.”

At least two anti-Bilderberg protesters have been arrested for alleged “jaywalking” and “disorderly conduct.” But with Attorney General Eric Holder and his Justice Department already under fire for allegedly lying under oath, obstructing congressional investigations, unlawfully defying subpoenas, shipping American guns to Mexican cartels, and laundering drug money, activists are not optimistic about the chances of Bilderberg attendees being charged with a federal offense anytime soon.

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23 Responses to “U.S. Bilderberg Attendees Violating Federal Law, Activists Say”

  1. And just who is going to arrest them and charge them with the crime of voilating the Logan Act? Who can do it? It should be done, but won’t. These people unfortunately are in the position that they are too powerful to touch and especially arrest even for this. What needs to be done is that they all need to be shot. They need to die or fade away.

    my2cents Reply:
    June 3rd, 2012 at 6:23 am

    For more information on the intent of the bilderbergs go to bilderberger.org. Read the article entitled Extract from H.R.H. Prince Bernard of the Netherlands; an authorized biography, by Aldin Hatch. Highlited in blue at the top of page. They maintain checks and balances to manage the informal exchange of thoughts and ideas concerning current big topic issues facing Europe and the U.S.

    trouble8696 Reply:
    June 3rd, 2012 at 7:26 am

    That’s right…who is going to arrest them charge them…The authorities who are supposed to arrest them…are…Instead guarding protecting them … Bilderberg meetings are guarded by the MILITARY , SWAT TEAMS , Local Police and private security firms… Like the CFR, their policy is passed without public approval… Their goal is to create a world government under their control, which will have the illusion of freedom…Remember…Presidents and Prime ministers are selected by the Bilderbergers and controlled like puppets… of course their motive is to establish a Global Dictatorship …A one World government or a NWO… the MSM scums…Despite attending Bilderberg Meetings ( owners of MSM ) …have reported little or next …2…nothin on this for over 50 years…Thanks to the Alternative Media…we now know…what color undies they wear…lol…hahahahhahaha …naaa just kiddin…But yeah …Alternative Media is doing a great Job…for ..we the people…

    AnyPaulWillDo Reply:
    June 3rd, 2012 at 9:34 am

    Alex – Lyndsey Williams – stop calling them ELITE!
    They get off on that. They are NO ELITE! PLEASE STOP!

    We, the kind freedom loving humble people are the ELITE!

    They are:

    They don’t work – they steal. They do NOTHING productive.
    They only DESTROY!

    They are NOT ELITE! WE ARE.
    They are NOT ELITE! WE ARE.
    They are NOT ELITE! WE ARE.
    They are NOT ELITE! WE ARE.
    They are NOT ELITE! WE ARE.
    They are NOT ELITE! WE ARE.
    They are NOT ELITE! WE ARE.
    They are NOT ELITE! WE ARE.

    Stop inflating their EGO with the lie – the LOVE IT!

    Vic Reply:
    June 3rd, 2012 at 10:14 am

    And just who is going to arrest them and charge them with the crime of voilating the Logan Act?

    that is the blunt reality of this question. As we observe this criminal take over, no one is upholding the constitution that is being ignored and destroyed.

    Starting from the law makers, the justice system, the military servants and the police forces.

    Humanity is probably lost to this NWO mafia? unless…………………………………………….

  2. IF.. hillary was fined some 300,000 bucks for it,
    THEN.. she was found guilty of a felony,
    SO.. bungholio-bama appointing her as secretary of state,
    is ALSO illegal, criminal, and guilty of aiding a criminal.

    then theres the birth cert, social security numbers, selective service card,
    the illegal decimation of Libya, NDAA, and MORE unconstitutional crimes..

    it all SHOULD BE reason to jail the mofo awaiting trial for treason,
    undoing ALL his appointees, his “laws”, along with every one of em who knows..
    they are ALL conspirators, who damn sure aint gonna arrest themselves.

    Vengeance Reply:
    June 3rd, 2012 at 7:53 am

    By authority of the free people of America
    For Immediate Release
    March 20, 2012
    In Defense Of The Constitution Amendment 001 — to the National Defense Resources Preparedness Executive Order


    – By the authority first granted in me by our Creator as was written down in our Constitution and as the chief representative with the full consensus from my fellow countrymen, I do hereby include and immediately implement this amendment to nullify each provision of the National Defense Resources Preparedness Executive Order that comes into conflict with any of the statutes as were set down in our Constitution by our founding fathers. Furthermore from this point on any future policy changes that attempt to supplant the free rights and liberties of the American people as expressed in the Constitution shall also be immediately rendered null and void. Lastly each and every participant convicted of conspiring to again deprive the free people of America any of their rights or liberties shall be hanged until dead.

    Signed, standing Chief Representative of We The People
    Co-signed, the blood of all our fallen Patriots before me…
    March 20, 2012.

  3. jail will not work, people.

    #1 they are in charge.

    #2 they own the cops, courts, and jails

    #3 the us gubbermint is in fact represented in all of these meetings, just look at the guest lists

    you will never get to them through normal means, but a taste of their own medicine via a few bio/chem/nuke drone attacks would be priceless and put them all on notice that their days are numbered!

    Vengeance Reply:
    June 3rd, 2012 at 7:51 am

    So you’re saying to save time we should just go get a LOT of rope then? I did see a large number of good hanging trees all around that hotel in the pictures.. 🙂

  4. This is what they are violating:

    § 953. Private correspondence with foreign governments.

    Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

  5. bungholio-bama!
    that is a good one 😀
    Do you think that bungholio has its fudge packers union green card yet?
    He did fudge his USA birth certificat, the name on it read,
    unholio queen of the shit house.

    captain obvious Reply:
    June 3rd, 2012 at 6:51 am

    here, have a couple more..

    “mitt masengill”
    plastic casing
    holds no real water
    with a nozzle to spew from.
    (like most “political candidates” of course)

    mainstream media talking heads = tampons,
    complete with swelling heads and pullstrings,
    trying to hide the blood of war zones.

    they sure find out how much a disposable feminine hygiene product they are,
    if they ever try to start telling the truth about anything.

    R1 Reply:
    June 3rd, 2012 at 7:34 am

    hahahahaha! you are good captain 😀
    got any on
    mesmells -bama?
    How about hillhairy-muff-cliton

    captain obvious Reply:
    June 3rd, 2012 at 7:58 am

    nope, but hillary been a CIA criminal since her days as a DC intern, getting caught trying to hide paperwork from the watergate investigations, she was thrown out of DC. seems no matter how many crimes and treasons, bush-clinton etc are all “untouchable”.

    look at “the clinton chronicles”, “clinton body count”, look how she jumped onto the board of directors of Walmart after NAFTA-GATT got rammed through, handing China all the technology and production.. with Walmart expanding into every little city possible to bankrupt so many thousands of smaller retailers cancelling millions more jobs ON TOP OF flushing skilled labor jobs and wages down the toilet. opportunistic treasonous economic sabotage conspirator, 100% !!

    during Reagan(GHWB) with the Iran-contra scandal, clintons bringing the drugs into Mena Arkansas.. they kept the spotlight on ollie “I cant recall” north. when their involvement was being investigated they blew up OKC and blamed patriotic militias that formed as reaction, to Ruby Ridge and Waco. NOW with “fast-n-furious”, hillary was implicated but they keep the spotlight on holder. gee why does that smell so familiar?

    hillary: “I think Syrian rebels will be well funded and well armed”
    2 weeks later they imported 1000 fake rebel mercenaries,
    from the Libya theyed just trashed.. but nooo, that wasnt a confession.
    “we came we saw he died”.. about Gadaffi, who WAS surrendered.
    she thought it all cute and funny,
    I hope she gets the same treatment someday.

    insider trading? look at the clintons net worth.

    captain obvious Reply:
    June 3rd, 2012 at 8:03 am

    also.. Cathy O-Brien “mind control out of control”,
    is about CIA’s MK-ultra program, traumatizing children to compartmentalize their minds and create a “keyword hidden personality” to do things the normal personality never would. a continuation of nazi Germany’s Joseph Mengela, Auschwitz concentration camps “Angel of Death” that the band SLAYER was screaming about.. quite a while ago nowadays.

    coincidence Bilderberg and the CIA were both formed from nazis?

  6. Start doing the Thomas Paine thing Common Sense (pamphlet) 1776

    leafleting these legally binding documents
    § 953. Private correspondence with foreign governments.

    would help people be informed
    pass them out to the people at sports games etc,
    show the American people who the real criminals are.

  7. Start doing the Thomas Paine thing Common Sense (pamphlet) 1776

    leafleting these legally binding documents
    § 953. Private correspondence with foreign governments.

    would help people be informed
    pass them out to the people at sports games etc,
    show the American people who the real criminals are.

  8. An act need’s consent to have effect. Normally the police (policy enforcement) hound people under acts and trick them into contracting.

    Still tho, acts need the consent of the governed to have effect.

    Now these bilderbergers surely recognize that they are NOT legal fictions Person(s). They surely know they are not a corporate entity. what does that mean then?

    Acts do not apply to the flesh and blood, only to the legal fictionpersoncorporation. even then it needs consent.

    Why the hell hasn’t this become common knowledge on PP yet?

    wiggins Reply:
    June 3rd, 2012 at 8:53 am

    It has been brought up by a few posters from time to time, but nothing from the main guys.

  9. WHAT AN AMAZING protest this time around Bilderberg Beasts
    B U S T E D


    We need to engage in war of words LANGUAGE matters the commies knew this
    and wrought HAVOC!!!
    MSM mainstream media? = Lame street Media

    elte= The filth /mass murderers
    Time to get creative…We can come up with a better word

  11. The only time people can rejoyce is when we will see massive arrests of these criminal minds part of the BIlderberg mafia. until then, we keep dreaming and we keep being abused????

    for how long yet? and everyone out there knows very well that one person alone cannot do a single thing about it. We united behind the light of courage can make the difference.But in order for that to happen , people need to stop there little fights among each other in this matrix of dive and conquer the mainstream media serve.

    Good people of planet earth, we ow it to ourselves. We the good people of this planet do not deserve to be treated this way. UNITE, UNITE, UNITE and lets bring peace on this planet once we arrest the criminals of this NWO

  12. B I L D E R B E R G C R O O K S !!!!!!

    B U S T E D

    A L E V I A T H I A N H A S A W O K E N!


    GOD BLESS Alex and his troopers GOOD JOB
    AND A BIG THANK YOU to you ALL !

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