UK MPs fear massive defence cuts

MPs on the Public Accounts Committee have published a scathing report criticizing the MoD’s plans to cut civilian work force by 29,000 and military personnel by 25,000.

The move is aimed at saving £4.1 billion by 2015 as the MoD is making “tough decisions” to close a £38 billion black hole in the UK’s defense budget.

The cuts come as the MoD awarded £350 million contracts for the design of the next generation of Britain’s nuclear submarines.

“We recognize that the MoD must make tough financial decisions if it is to reduce its spending by 7.5% a year by 2015, and that it has acted decisively”, said Margaret Hodge, the chairperson of the committee.

“But we are concerned that these cuts have been determined by the need to cut costs in the short term rather than by considering the MoD’s strategic objectives in the long term and the skills it will need to deliver them successfully”, Hodge added.

Earlier this month, British military experts also raised concerns over cuts to the MoD budget saying the cuts would make the British army’s aspirations become “no longer obtainable”.


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