UK outlines emergency economic scheme

Britain’s Treasury and the Bank of England have announced that an emergency program would be launched within weeks which would encourage banks to increase lending to businesses and individuals.

Neither Bank of England governor Mervyn King nor Osborne outlined the exact details of how much the scheme would be worth.

“We’re going to have to see the detail, we’re going to have to see the numbers before we can work out if it can make a difference”, said King.

The “funding for lending” program would offer British banks access to cheap multiyear loans. This way, the country’s private sector could be provided with a boost to loans.

In a second scheme, the Bank of England plans to inject a minimum of £5 billion a month into the country’s financial system.

“We are not powerless in the face of the eurozone debt storm. Together we can deploy new firepower to defend our economy from the crisis on our doorstep,” said Osborne.

Osborne’s insistence on blaming Britain’s ailing economy on the eurozone crisis was countered earlier this week by Scottish Finance Minister John Swinney who urged him to “acknowledge that much of the responsibility for the lack of growth in the UK economy since the onset of recession back in 2008 lies at his own door.”


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