UK PM urged to demand cancellation of F1

Miliband stressed that the F1 motor race should be stopped following mounting “human rights abuses” in the kingdom, urging the coalition government to ask the sport event’s organizing committee to call off the race.

However, Cameron has resisted the pressure to call for the cancellation of the event which will be held in the Bahraini capital Manama, where regime forces have used excessive force and torture in its brutal crackdown on anti-regime protesters since pro-democracy demonstrations engulfed the country.

”I certainly think it is the case that, given the violence we have seen in Bahrain and given the human rights abuses, I don’t believe the Grand Prix should go ahead,” Miliband said, speaking during a visit to south Wales.

”I hope that the government will make its view clear and say the same.”

But UK PM apparently ignored the human rights crisis in the Persian Gulf country, saying it was “a matter for Formula One.”

Last year, Formula One’s governing body, the FIA, cancelled the race in Bahrain over nationwide anti-government protests.

Seventeen MPs have signed a House of Commons motion, calling for the cancellation of the auto race. The MPs warned that the Bahraini regime would use the race as “an endorsement of its policies of suppression of dissent.”

Liberal Democrat president Tim Farron also added his voice to the demands to call off the race, declaring, “it endorses and legitimizes the regime.”

Respect MP George Galloway also criticized the permission to hold the race despite the ongoing crackdown against peaceful protesters in the country.

“There is blood on the tracks and anyone who drives over them will never be forgiven,” Galloway said.

Peace activists in Britain also condemned the state-run-TV, BBC, for planning to broadcast the race. Shadow justice minister Andy Slaughter, who is leading the all party parliamentary group for democracy in Bahrain, said, “Organizations like the BBC are giving legitimacy to the al-Khalifa regime, which is… a dictatorial regime, which is killing many of its own citizens.”


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