UK Prince to meet Jamaica anti-Queen PM

Portia Simpson Miller, who is seeking to make her country a republic, has said that she would accept Britain’s apology over the brutal years of slavery ahead of Prince’s visit.

She declared that Britain’s practice during the period of Empire was “wicked and brutal” and no race should be subjected to what “our ancestors subjected to.”

“We came on a long journey, from slavery to adult suffrage to our independence.

“We are a nation where our maturity is now saying we should look to a form of government which at this time would take full charge of our destiny,” she added.

Earlier in January, Simpson Miller said in her inaugural address that the time has come for Jamaica to break with the British monarchy and replace Queen Elizabeth with a president as head of state.

Meanwhile, Jamaicans who are angry about the evil slavery of their ancestors by the British voiced their opposition to the visit of UK Prince to the Caribbean Realm.

Verene Shepherd, history professor at the University of the West Indies, stressed that in 1962, Jamaica could achieve its independence from Britain, but decolonization has not been complete and the UK should make amends.

“There has been no settlement of the debt owed for the capture, enslavement and brutality of British on Jamaicans and our ancestors, and so I’m sorry, I object,” he added.

The 27-year-old Prince flew to Jamaica’s capital on the third leg of a Diamond Jubilee Caribbean Tour to honor the 60th anniversary of UK Queen’s reign.

Harry is scheduled to meet Jamaican PM during his four-day visit to the country. Analysts consider the meeting as being awkward, since Simpson Miller has promised to cut ties with the UK monarch and establish a republic state.


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