Upcycle Boring Glass Jars Into Beautiful Vases with Lace Vase

© Milk Design Shop

Spring is the time of year when that last season’s canned goods and preserves are nearing depletion — if you haven’t already eaten your way through last year’s harvest.

Instead of letting your empty canning jars gather dust in the cupboard give them a new life in the home with Lace Vase. Lace Vase is a rubber sheath that fits various sized containers and transforms those humble utilitarian items into decorative vases for flowers and foliage.

© Milk Design Shop

Even if canning isn’t your thing you probably have plastic or glass bottles that you can divert from the waste stream by upcycling them into a vase that brings the outdoors in. The reusable plastic sheaths retail for $14.50 from the Milk Design Shop.

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