Urban Green Energy Launches ViewUGE at the 2012 Consumer Electronics Show (CES)

Real time renewable energy monitoring system ties distributed energy to the smart grid.

Las Vegas, Nevada (PRWEB) January 10, 2012

Urban Green Energy (UGE), the world’s premier manufacturer of distributed (“small”) wind turbines and hybrid renewable energy solutions, announces today its latest product at CES. ViewUGE is the online energy monitoring application that ties small wind with the smart grid, perfect for those who are planning to or have installed a renewable energy system and seek a reliable, remote way to monitor their energy production.

“Our goal at UGE,” stated UGE CEO Nick Blitterswyk, “is to empower people. It is to allow people and companies to choose where they get their electricity, and in doing so allowing them to live a sustainable life. Renewable energy is inherently variable, making monitoring and connectivity a critical component to broader adoption. ViewUGE enables greater integration by giving the user more control. We couldn’t be happier with the result.”

With its clean and personalized interface, ViewUGE distinguishes itself from monitoring systems implemented in other sectors. The user experience was the key consideration during the design stage of ViewUGE and exemplifies the signature user-friendliness of all UGE products.

“At UGE, we are strong proponents of using multiple technologies to get the most out of renewable energy, and ViewUGE allows for just that in a very effective manner,” noted Scott Van Pelt, VP of Engineering at UGE. “With ViewUGE, we are allowing our customers to track a variety of renewable energy inputs, including weather data from the UGE 1st Step Weather Station, along with their own energy consumption. This same technology will play a pivotal role in projects utilizing our wind/solar street lamps and the Sanya Skypump, the wind powered electric vehicle charging station we launched with GE this past summer.” Mesh Systems, a leader in machine to machine (M2M) communications, collaborated with UGE in the design of ViewUGE.

A demonstration of ViewUGE will be available at UGE’s booth at CES (The Venetian #70416) and is available now for order through UGE and its network of partners. ViewUGE will be ready to ship March 1st. To learn more about ViewUGE please visit http://www.urbangreenenergy.com.

About Urban Green Energy

With installations in approximately 60 countries, including several government agencies and Fortune 100 companies, UGE is changing the face of distributed renewable energy generation. UGE’s goal is to put users in control of their energy source, and is doing so by designing and manufacturing more versatile wind turbines and hybrid wind/solar systems for use in applications ranging from residential to commercial, from suburban US homeowners to off-grid telecoms towers in rural Africa. Visit http://www.urbangreenenergy.com today to learn how together we can create a greener tomorrow.


Ann Amarga
Urban Green Energy
(917) 675-3949
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