‘US calling Afghanistan ally charade’

On Saturday, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in her surprise visit to the Afghan capital, Kabul, declared Afghanistan a “major non-NATO ally.”

“It again is the charade. What does it mean for the Secretary of State of the US to go ahead and say, oh, you’re now part of a club?” Gravel told Press TV on Monday.

“They’ve just insulted us, they just crapped all over our doorstep and we tell them now you’re part of our allies. It’s just a charade. It’s got to impact the world with the level of ridiculousness,” he added.

Gravel also called on the US administration to withdraw American troops from Afghanistan following a one-decade war in the country.

“There is no reason for us to be there [Afghanistan] and we should exit as rapidly as possible and leave the Afghan country to the Afghanis,” he said.

The former senator also criticized the presence of US-led foreign troops in Afghanistan.

“We are trying to keep a presence in Afghanistan when we truly have no business being there,” Gravel said. “There is nothing in Afghanistan that we need other than a presence in that part of the Euro-Asian continent.”


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