‘US certainly losing Afghan war’

In a Wednesday interview with Pres TV’s US Desk, Conn Hallinan, a columnist for Foreign Policy in Focus, maintained that the message that the Sunday attacks sent to the Afghans and the nations in the region was that the US-led war in Afghanistan has failed.

“Basically what it (the Kabul attacks) was saying was that after more than 10 years of occupation, after this big surge by the 33,000 troops by the Obama administration, after spending more than $450 billion dollars, that they (the US) cannot control, they cannot make the capital of the country secure, so it was very much a political act,” he added.

“In that sense the Taliban may not be wining in the military sense but the United States is certainly losing,” Hallinan concluded.

On Sunday, the Taliban targeted US, British, German, and Japanese embassy buildings and NATO’s headquarters in some of Kabul’s most heavily guarded neighborhoods.

They even tried to storm the parliament building, which sparked a gun battle as lawmakers and bodyguards returned fire from the rooftop.

The Sunday offensive on the capital and elsewhere left over 50 people, including four civilians and 11 Afghan soldiers, dead.


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