‘US committed to Chinese dissident’

Clinton said on Wednesday that Washington would follow Chen’s fate.

“The United States government and the American people are committed to remaining engaged with Mr. Chen and his family in the days, weeks and years ahead,” Clinton said on her official visit to China.

Clinton made the comments following a deal struck between the two countries with China giving assurances Chen and his family could live a normal life.

The 40-year-old blind dissident managed to escape house arrest last week, traveled hundreds of kilometers and sought refuge in the US Embassy in Beijing.

The issues created a diplomatic conflict between Washington and Beijing and further deteriorated the already strained relationship between the two countries.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry has demanded the United States apologize for giving him shelter.

“China is very unhappy over this. The US action is interference in China’s internal affairs and China cannot accept it,” Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Liu Weimin said.

A US official said there would be no repeat of the incident, but declined to comment on China’s call for an apology.

Chen has now left the US Embassy to seek medical care and join his family.

The dissident was reportedly put under house arrest for opposing forced abortions and sterilizations under China’s one-child policy.


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