US drone strikes unconstitutional: lawyer

“The drone assassination program especially when they involve US citizens in nations like Yemen where there’s no declared war is absolutely unconstitutional because it violates the separation of powers between the Congress and the Executive,” Alfred Lambremont Webre said in an interview with Press TV.

“The CIA will not release the legal memoranda which allegedly give the legal authority to President Barack Obama to approve these strikes, and they won’t do so because it’s the same patently fraudulent legal memorandum that was used by Alberto Gonzalez and [former US President George W.] Bush, [former Vice President Dick] Cheney and [former Secretary of Defense Donald] Rumsfeld in the case of torture in Iraq, Afghanistan and in Guantanamo,” he added.

On Wednesday, relatives of three US citizens killed in the US assassination drone strikes in Yemen sued senior US officials.

According to the lawsuit, the killings of US-born Muslim cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, his 16-year-old son Abdulrahman al-Awlaki and naturalized US citizen Samir Khan were unconstitutional.

The victims’ relatives said that the three assassinations committed by the CIA violated US legal guarantees, including the right to due process.

Webre said the families of the victims have a very strong case against the US government and its officials because they violate the Geneva Conventions.

“People should just keep on challenging these rulings in court because there’s nothing [to authorize them] but these fraudulent legal memoranda,” he said.


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