US election 2012: Mitt Romney’s lack of common touch summed up by ‘America the Beautiful’

In New Hampshire, he moved on. “For purple mountain majesties,” he
sighed, resembling The Office’s David Brent reciting the cod-philosophical
lyrics of the pop singer Des’ree. “Mount Washington and the White
Mountains qualify as purple mountain majesties,” he declared of New
Hampshire’s highest peaks.

Mr Romney, a 64-year-old former private equity boss who is often described as
robotic and struggles to connect with ordinary voters, seemed unable to find
a suitable line for South Carolina.

Yet this weekend in Florida, his favourite song returned. “O beautiful,
for spacious skies,” he told a rally near the Kennedy space centre in
Cape Canaveral. “I think that’s for the Space Coast, don’t you?”

The line met a mixture of laughs and groans that prompted Mr Romney to strike
a more self-deprecating and ironic tone.

“When I was in Iowa I used to say that corn counted as an amber wave,”
he said. “I guess that explains my 35-vote defeat there”.

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