US envoy in Israel to reach compromise about settlement

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has discussed how to reach compromise about illegal Israeli Jewish settlement with aide to US President Donald Trump.

Trump’s Special Representative for International Negotiations Ron Greenblatt arrived in Israel on Sunday and met with Netanyahu.

The meeting in Jerusalem followed an agreement between Netanyahu and Trump last month to set up a joint working team on settlements, despite construction in the occupied West Bank having been rejected by previous administrations as illegal under international law.

A statement from Netanyahu’s office said he and Greenblatt “continued discussions relating to settlement construction in the hope of working out an approach that is consistent with the goal of advancing peace and security, but does not affect settlements.”

While Netanyahu has noted there are still differences of opinion between Israel and the US on settlement building, Trump has broken with previous US policy by not criticising announcements of new settlement construction.

He also appointed the staunchly pro-settler David Friedman as ambassador to Israel.

During their meeting in Washington last month, Trump told Netanyahu to “hold back on settlements just for a little bit.”

Settlement activity has been on the rise since Trump was sworn in January -thousands more have been approved in three separate plans.

Approximately 800,000 Israelis now live in more than 100 Jewish-only settlements built since Israel occupied the Palestinian West Bank and east Jerusalem in 1967.

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