‘US envoy to Pakistan to step down’

Munter, who was appointed US envoy to Islamabad in October 2010, made the announcement to embassy staff on Monday.

Munter will be stepping down after serving less than two years on the job while US ambassadors usually serve three-year terms.

Reports say the White House may appoint Richard Olson, who has orchestrated US development and economic activities in Afghanistan since June 2011, to succeed Munter.

Munter’s resignation comes during a time of rising friction between Islamabad and Washington over the killing of 24 Pakistani troops in US-led airstrikes in November 2011 as well as the ongoing US assassination drone strikes.

The US has carried out hundreds of deadly drone strikes on Pakistani soil since 2009.

Pakistani Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar said on Monday that the non-UN-sanctioned strikes are “counter-productive” and a “violation of Pakistan’s sovereignty.”

“The US has been informed of Pakistan’s concerns on drone strikes,” Rabbani Khar said during a meeting of the Parliamentary Committee on National Security (PCNS) in Islamabad.


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