US holds high-level talks with Syrian rebels seeking weapons in Washington

While there remains little appetite for direct western military intervention,
the Daily Telegraph has learned that advanced contingency plans are already
in place to supply heavy weapons to the rebels, including sophisticated
anti-tank weapons and surface to-air-missiles.

The move towards what was described as a “Libya lite” intervention
in Syria is expected to gather force following the anticipated failure of
the Annan peace plan and the meeting of the Syria Contact Group scheduled
for June 30 in Geneva.

Senior Middle Eastern diplomatic sources said that Libyan-supplied weapons,
paid for by Saudi Arabia and Qatari government funds and private donations,
had already been stockpiled in anticipation of the “inevitable”
intervention needed to end the Assad regime.

“The intervention will happen. It is not a question of ‘if’, but ‘when’.
The Libyans are willing to provide the anti-tank weapons, others are
prepared to pay for it,” the source said

He added, however, that Turkey would “not open the floodgates” of
acting as a conduit for the arms without Nato and US-backing that would
guarantee them support in the event of a Syrian backlash, possibly
mobilising Syrian Kurdish groups against Turkey.

Middle Eastern diplomatic sources said that the Obama administration was fully
aware of the preparations being made to arm Syrian opposition groups.

The US has also agreed to be part of a group of countries that coordinates
assistance to the rebels, the sources said, but was still deliberating over
the time frame for escalation.

The Obama administration, which campaigned on a promise to end the wars in
Iraq and Afghanistan, has been reluctant to give the greenlight to military
intervention in Syria as they seek a second term from a war-weary

However proponents of arming the rebels are now arguing forcefully that US
inaction leaves Mr Obama vulnerable to accusations from the Republican camp
that he is ‘leading from behind’ at the cost of thousands of innocent Syrian
lives – a charge that would stick if there was another massacre.

Those in Washington who are lobbying on behalf of the rebel Free Syrian Army
are aware of the limited political impetus for intervention in an election
year, and that any deal would most likely need to be struck before
influential congressmen return to their districts for summer recess in July.

Reports that heavy anti-tank weapons had been smuggled into Syria this week
were denied by FSA sources that said that the rebels were still armed only
with RPG-7 rocket-propelled grenades.

However the Daily Telegraph understands that the contacts between rebels
groups and senior US government officials have now reached the “getting
to know you stage” as the administration faces the growing likelihood
it will have to sanction some kind of indirect intervention.

The US defence establishment is concerned that sophisticated weapons could
fall into the hands of Islamist militants, or accelerate the cycle of
sectarian revenge-killings, rather than bring about the swift demise of the
Assad regime.

The FSA has long been seen as the name given to a collection of disparate
militias. The movement has established a better command and control
structure on the ground in recent months, setting up opposition military
councils in ten Syrian cities and towns, including in the capital.

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