‘US imposes martial law on information’

“With all of the backdoors and controls that the government has required, that the telecom companies put into place, what we’re talking about is the ability to actually grab control of the internet, grab control of the telecom system and actually determine who is on it, who is loud on it, who is cut off,” Dave Lindorff told Press TV.

The US president issued an executive order on Friday allowing federal agencies to take control of wired and wireless communications during situations they consider critical in order to reach anyone in the country.

“The decision on whether it is an emergency or not gets determined by the president, which is a very grey and murky kind of regulation,” Lindorff said.

Referring to the nature of the order, the American analyst stated that the “executive order” is treated like a law but it can easily be challenged by a higher court.

“The scary thing, I think, is not so much that President Obama is signing these relatively secret executive order but the fact that our members of Congress are passing these laws and that our American public are not turning them out of office on their ears for passing these robberies of our freedoms and overturning of our Bill of Rights,” Lindorff explained.

He also called on the American nation to stand up against the orders that can challenge their freedom and democracy.

“I think it’s time for people to have to stand up and really say ‘stop — this is too far; this is too much; this is not our country anymore, we want it back’. That’s the way I see it. I see it as a huge threat that is about to happen,” Lindorff concluded.


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