‘US must apologize to Turkey’s Kurds’

Gulten Kisanak, a senior member of the pro-Kurdish Peace and Democracy Party (BDP), said the US has been “an accomplice in this crime by giving the early footage.”

“We, as the BDP, will send a letter to the US on behalf of our people and will urge it (Washington) to apologize to the Kurdish people and families of those who were killed [in the attack],” she said in the eastern city of Erzurum on Saturday.

On December 29, 2011, 35 people were killed in a Turkish air strike near a Kurdish village in the Uludere district of Sirnak Province close to the border with Iraq. The Turkish military said it had targeted suspected members of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK). However, Turkish officials later acknowledged that “civilians” were killed during the attack.

On May 17, a US military official, whose name was not mentioned in the news reports, said US spy drones had provided Turkey with intelligence to carry out the December attack.

“We are familiar with the incident. In this particular case, they (drone operators) did notice a group of people and some pack animals. That information was passed on to the Turks and then our drones departed the area,” the US official said.


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