US Navy opens fire on fishing boat in the Gulf amid rising tensions

A U.S. consular official told The Associated Press that one person was killed
and three wounded in the shooting.

The official gave no other details, but it appeared that U.S. personnel could
have seen the boat – mistakenly or not – as a threat in Gulf waters not far
from Iran’s maritime boundaries.

The white-hulled boat was inspected by dozens of police and other Emirati
officials after the incident in a small Dubai port used by fishermen and

The boat appeared to be a civilian vessel about 30 feet long and powered by
three outboard motors. It had no obvious military markings.

Similar boats are used for fishing in the region, though Iran’s Revolutionary
Guard also employs relatively small, fast-moving craft in the Gulf.

Rescue workers were seen carrying one person in a body bag off the boat and
placing it in an ambulance as fishermen looked on. Officials moved the boat
from the harbor shortly afterward.

An Emirati rescue official at the scene confirmed the casualty toll.

Another UAE official familiar with the incident said authorities “are looking
into the matter and will be issuing a report at a later stage.”

Like the U.S. consular official, they spoke on condition of anonymity because
of the sensitivity of the incident between the two allies.

U.S. military vessels routinely cross paths with Iranian ships in
international waters in the Gulf without incident, but speed boats from
Iran’s Revolutionary Guard have passed close to U.S. ships in incidents that
have raised alarm in Washington.

In early 2008, then President Bush accused Iran of a “provocative act” after
five small Iranian craft buzzed around the destroyer USS Hopper.

Tensions are elevated in the Gulf after Iran last week renewed threats to
close the strategic Strait of Hormuz – the route for one-fifth of the
world’s oil – in retaliation for tighter sanctions over Iran’s nuclear
program. The U.S. recently boosted its naval presence in the Gulf with
additional minesweepers and other warships.

The U.S. Embassy in Abu Dhabi had no immediate comment, referring all
questions to the Navy.

Source: AP

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