US Navy Thinks Renewable Energy is the Future, But House Republicans Don’t Want Them to Have It

Official US Navy Imagery/CC BY 2.0

We’ve covered many times the efforts of the US Navy, driven largely by a desire to secure stable and domestic sources of energy, to create a so-called Great Green Fleet and Green Strike Force—that is, ships and planes powered by biofuels. Check out the links to the left if you’re not up to speed on those effort.

More broadly, well aware of the strategic importance of secure energy supplies, not to mention being on the front lines of what have been energy wars as much as anything else over the past few decades, the military has been a big supporter of energy not derived from fossil fuels.

But, as a new piece in Wired explains, Republicans in the House apparently don’t want the Navy to make that future a reality.

In its report on next year’s Pentagon budget, the House Armed Services Committee banned the Defense Department from making or buying an alternative fuel that costs more than a “traditional fossil fuel.” It’s a standard that may be almost impossible to meet, energy experts believe; there’s almost no way the tiny, experimental biofuel industry can hope to compete on price with the massive, century-old fossil fuels business. […] if the measure becomes law, it would make it all-but-inconceivable for the Pentagon to buy the renewable fuels. It would likely scuttle one of the top priorities of Navy Secretary Ray Mabus. And it might very well suffocate the gasping biofuel industry, which was looking to the Pentagon to help it survive.

Read more: Wired

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