US Republicans plan social cuts

The Republican members of the House of Representatives introduced a legislation which will most likely be approved by the Budget Committee to cut spending by almost USD 380 billion mainly from social programs, Reuters reported on Monday.

The Republicans seek, however, to leave the country’s massive military spending intact from further necessary cuts.

This is while the Democratic-controlled Senate is expected to block the cuts to food stamps, child tax credits and Medicaid healthcare for the poor, among others.

The Democrats claim that USD 35.8 billion in reduction in food stamps over a decade will cut off 1.8 million Americans from the nutrition assistance program.

The legislation, the Sequester Replacement Act, is forwarded by House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan.

The US automatic cuts will launch in January 2013, of which USD 600 billion would come from defense through 2022.

Under the Republican plan, defense spending would actually be USD 8 billion higher than levels agreed in August 2011, rising to USD 554 billion in 2013.

Meanwhile, the Republic lawmakers also intend to exempt veterans’ health care and other benefits from automatic cuts.


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