US storms death toll stands at 22

On Monday, power outages were reported from North Carolina to New Jersey and even as far west as Illinois.

State of emergency was declared in many states such as Maryland, Virginia, and Ohio over the weekend.

On Saturday, a man was killed in Maryland when a tree fell onto his car, the police said. Storms also killed six people, including an old woman, in Virginia and two young cousins were killed when a tree fell on their tent while camping in New Jersey.

Power outage has also reportedly killed hundreds of traffic lights in Maryland.

A Baltimore resident has told local newspaper that the storm has been the worst, he has experienced. A suburban Washington, DC resident has told The Washington Post that the heat has forced him to virtually live in the swimming pool these days.

This is while the US National Weather Service has forecast that “Hot and hotter [weather] will continue to be the story from the plains to the Atlantic Coast for the next few days.”

Utility officials have warned that it may take several more days for the electricity to be restored in many parts.


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