US to pay USD1 billion to Indian tribes

The Justice Department announced its agreement to pay a total of about USD1.023 billion, adding that the Interior and Treasury Departments have failed to adequately oversee the concessions on the Indian lands from companies that exploit a wide variety of resources, including minerals, timber, oil and gas, dating back more than 100 years in some cases.

The agreement ended nearly two years of negotiations between the tribes and the federal government.

The Interior Department “manages almost 56 million acres of trust lands for federally-recognized tribes and more than 100,000 leases on those lands for various uses, including housing, timber harvesting, farming, grazing, oil and gas extraction, business leasing, rights-of-way and easements,” according the government.

The Interior “also manages about 2,500 tribal trust that accounts for more than 250 tribes,” according to the release.

Many tribes say they have not decided how to spend the money. In most cases, tribal councils – the elected governing bodies – will have the ultimate authority.

Tribal leaders plan to use the funds throughout the Indian Country to improve the inadequately provided public safety, infrastructure and health care. Negotiations continue over dozens of other cases of government mismanagement of Indian funds.


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