Vatileaks: Pope’s butler asks to be pardoned

The Vatican
has angrily denied reports that three senior figures have been swept up in
the scandal.

Reports in the German and Italian media this week alleged that the scandal had
broadened to include a former personal secretary to the Pope, a German woman
who is a member of his household and an Italian cardinal.

They were motivated by an urge to help Benedict clean up alleged nepotism and
corruption within the Vatican, and jealousy of his current private
secretary, Georg Ganswein, a German priest, according to La Repubblica

It has emerged that all have been questioned as part of the investigation into
the so-called “Vatileaks” scandal but Federico Lombardi, the
Vatican spokesman, said that did not mean they were under suspicion.

The butler was arrested in May after police found papal documents in his
Vatican apartment.

Magistrates are to decide within the next 10 days whether to send him to trial
on charges of aggravated theft. If convicted he could be sent to prison for
up to six years.

But the Pope could intervene in the process at any time and decide to grant a

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