Vic Speaker to probe Shaw expenses claim

A Victorian state Liberal MP has become embroiled in an expenses claim controversy, prompting a parliamentary investigation and calls for the police to investigate.

Backbencher Geoff Shaw, the member for Frankston in Melbourne’s far south, is facing allegations that personal business expenses for his hardware store have been claimed against a taxpayer-funded vehicle.

Premier Ted Baillieu has ordered the Speaker Ken Smith and the Department of Parliamentary Services to investigate the claims.

“I am sure that (the Speaker) will comprehensively review this matter and act as appropriate,” Mr Baillieu said in a statement.

“In addition, I have asked the Speaker to conduct a full review of Mr Shaw’s parliamentary entitlement use to ensure it fully complies with the guidelines.”

Mr Shaw said on Sunday that he didn’t know his staff were using his parliamentary vehicle for country and interstate commercial trips.

“I will immediately repay any costs that may be associated with any use of the vehicle by the nominated driver that is outside of the parliamentary guidelines,” he said in a statement.

The Sunday Herald Sun had reported earlier that documents and photographs allegedly show Mr Shaw’s parliamentary vehicle and fuel cards have been used multiple times for business-related trips.

The newspaper quoted a “whistleblower” who rebutted Mr Shaw’s explanation.

“He advised staff numerous times to take the parliamentary car,” the paper quoted the source as saying.

State Opposition Leader Daniel Andrews said the police needed to be called in because the allegations potentially include fraud offences like obtaining financial advantage through deceptive means.

“Victoria Police needs to examine these matters in full and then, depending on what they find, we can all have a discussion on what ought to occur,” Mr Andrews told reporters.

He said it was not appropriate for Speaker Ken Smith to investigate the claims since he is also a Liberal MP.

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