VIDEO: Oz Magnate Claims Rockefellers Fund Green Party to Destroy Coal

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The Daily Bell
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Mining magnate Clive Palmer has accused the United States government of funding environmental group Greenpeace via the CIA to undermine Australia’s coal mining sector. Mr Palmer made the extraordinary claim over Greenpeace’s plan to use the court system to tie up coal mining applications. He is angry at Greenpeace’s plan to use lawyers to thwart future coal mining projects and claims funding is coming from US environmental charity the Rockefeller Foundation. He alleges it is funded by the CIA and says it is trying to harm Australia’s industry and help American interests. − ABC

Dominant Social Theme: The Greens are great. They’re a courageous environmental group.

Free-Market Analysis: The Internet Reformation continues to unravel the dominant social themes of the elite.

The power elite want to create world government and uses fear-based promotions to push the middle classes into giving up power and wealth to special globalist facilities such as the UN.

But now these dominant social themes are unraveling. What we call the Internet Revolution is broadcasting the truth about the power elite and its manipulations.

In the past few days, we’ve run several articles on global warming and its false nature. Now coal magnate Palmer has entered the fray.

This accusation by Palmer would never have been broadcast around the world, pre-Internet. But now such alternative information is readily available.

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  • VIDEO: Oz Magnate Claims Rockefellers Fund Green Party to Destroy Coal

What Palmer is saying is likely the truth, though he is not verbalizing the bigger picture. The entire environmental movement was likely created to drive up energy prices and to encourage scarcity.

The elites are pushing the world toward global governance by controlling the basics of human existence – food, water and even air (carbon dioxide, global warming, etc.)

Palmer believes that the Green movement is being aimed at Australia to reduce its coal industry. But, as we try to show regularly (along with many others), the issues are bigger than that and the stakes are a lot higher.

Here’s Palmer making his points … (click on the photo for video)

VIDEO: Oz Magnate Claims Rockefellers Fund Green Party to Destroy Coal magnate280


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12 Responses to “VIDEO: Oz Magnate Claims Rockefellers Fund Green Party to Destroy Coal”

  1. Rockefellers…An American family. So Alex Jones what are you telling your sheep? A powerful American family has high jacked America? America is responsible for most of the trouble in the world today. Or are you still selling the BS about the nasty foreigners who live in the shadows and make poor pussy Americans do things they don’t want to do.

  2. The NWO is the same as every nasty order in history. It attacks the world and blames everyone else. Sound familiar Alex Jones? Bye the way, in your Dallas speech (blue print to defeat…) your body language was virtually identical to Hitler’s.

    sbee1441 Reply:
    March 22nd, 2012 at 11:49 am

    @Alea: Wow! The only thing you got correct is most of the spelling. It’s hijacked. America responsible for the trouble in the world? Define America. We have a Kenyan pres. that claims to be a citizen of the world, a congress that is out of control and is now just a formality. If you have been around for the past week you would have discovered that the Americans (people of America) are not in support of a government that has discarded our Constitution, are not in support of invading countries and stealing their resources, are not in support of the TSA or the Patriot Act. What are you talking about? Oh yea the buzz word “Hitler” that is being called a “racist” overused.

  3. ALEA? Always Licking Evil’s Ass

    Vengeance Reply:
    March 22nd, 2012 at 10:17 am

    When he isn’t kissing Lucifer’s boot…

    Vengeance Reply:
    March 22nd, 2012 at 10:18 am

    er, I mean hoof…

  4. Very soon the day is coming when all the power and electricity come to a screaming halt and cease to work, all phones, communications and the internet
    stop working, panic will set in fast!! Be very scared!!! You will step outside and hear police sirens, ambulance, fire trucks, you will hear gun shots houses
    burning, smoke, biuldings blowing up, raping, pillaging and looting total chaos.. Then martial law tanks big, trucks loaded with worlds elite soldiers rolling down
    the streets military take over no doubt about it. House to house search for guns and ammo it will happen so fast our head spin it would really suck and there
    is nothing we can do about it and the elite scumbags bankers know it.. Millions will die in the first month, no food, no clean water people will eat each other
    good bye freedom hello new world order cramed right down our throats weather we like it or not. This really sucks donkey balls, its right in our faces nobody
    gives a shit. When the machine stops working, sheeple will just panick and ask the worlds elite to please fix the problem, the same world elite who made all
    problems in the first place, they want to kill billions. Me first, when i die i hope i come back as a incurable virus and kill all the rich elite bankers. I ask you
    all would you want to survive ww3? Worlds elite will be living in their huge underground cities and watch us all kill each other you might be a lucky one who
    lives in a fema camp as slave labor. All the children would be first raped tortured then sacrificed for thier god satan. Georgia guidestones were made by the
    same rich elite bankers that have been planing our end and thier begining for many years 2012 is the doomsyear. NWO = U.N. = elite bankers = secret
    societies = run away secret black ops government they worship satan they run child prostitution rings, they sell illegal drugs, they assassinate anybody that gets
    in thier way, they control terrorists also run terrorist attacks, these elite want a one world government, one world bank, they will make you worship one
    god and that is satan god of light one world religion, one military to police the world, they want to put electronic chips in every person that have all your
    information and have electronic money that will go on the persons chip. The chip will monitor where ever that person goes in the big police world lock down
    like a animal all to control every person on this planet that will be a part of everyones life. They want to have public human sacrifices to please thier god
    satan god of light. This is the vision straite out of mindkonf writing by hittler. Thier going to have dictator controled by hand full of the elite that controls the
    whole world. They want to De-population the world they want to kill 6 billlion people and they already started, the people left will live in fema camps and be slave
    labors. A lot of people died of very strange deaths to bring this information to the public and people are still dieing or had death threats very powerful people
    dont want this on tv news or the news papers that they control. The worlds elite will stop at nothing to have this one world order and they want it sooner then
    later. worlds elite are getting more and more open about thier goals now they dont care who knows about thier agenda and thats scary. that means that they
    cant be stoped? Elite have it set up even if they happen to lose or get slowed down they still win the chess game they dont care if the world is watching.

    The proof look it up:

    Obama threatened the congress to pass stimulas bill or he would start martial law violates our bill of rights grounds to impeach Obama?

    Osama Bin Laden and al-Qaeda is run by the C.I.A. Hillery Clinton said so watch on youtube violates our bill of rights

    911 truthers, watch movie loose change youtube

    Fema camps youtube violates our constitutional rights grounds to impeach Obama?

    Agenda 21 passed unknown violates our constitutional rights grounds to impeach Obama?

    Patraits act passed 9/11/01 Obama passed a second time when he said he would vote against violates our constitutional rights grounds to impeach Obama?

    NDAA act passed 12/31/11 violates our constitutional rights grounds to impeach Obama?

    National Defense Resources Preparedness passed 3/16/12 violates our constitutional rights grounds to impeach Obama?

    Obama dont answer to our voted congress anymore he now only answers to the U.N. Obama said to congress violates our bill of rights grounds to impeach Obama?

    Obama showed a fake birth certificate why wont they show this on tv? violates our bill of rights grounds to impeach Obama?

    Obama care health insurance violates our constitutional rights grounds to impeach Obama?

    Obama passed agenda 21 again violates our constitutional rights grounds to impeach Obama?

    Obama will invade Iran and start ww3 with out passing in congress grounds to impeach Obama?

    Obama was and still is a devoted exstreamas a known terrorist orgnization to commiunist with ties to the cia violates our bill of rights grounds to impeach Obama?

    Obama how can he be president a second time when nobody likes him vote fraud violates our bill of rights grounds to impeach Obama?

    Obama will be the last united states president grounds to impeach Obama?

    Obama has to answer to war crimes acts grounds to impeach Obama?

    Obama broken many laws violates our constitution our bill of rights grounds to impeach Obama?

    Tyrannical elite oligarchy Look it up:

    United Nations is controled of government by a tyrannical elite oligarchy corruption, illegal drugs, child prostitution, elections fraud, terrorism, assassinations, murder, fraud,
    war crimes, black mail, treason, tyranny and subversion

    All 5 elite bankers is controled of government by a tyrannical elite oligarchy corruption, illegal drugs, child prostitution, elections fraud, terrorism, assassinations, murder, fraud,
    war crimes, black mail, treason, tyranny and subversion

    Secret societies is controled of government by a tyrannical elite oligarchy corruption, illegal drugs, child prostitution, elections fraud, terrorism, assassinations, murder, fraud,
    war crimes, black mail, treason, tyranny and subversion

    Secret black ops government is controled of government by a tyrannical elite oligarchy corruption, illegal drugs, child prostitution, elections fraud, terrorism, assassinations, murder, fraud,
    war crimes, black mail, treason, tyranny and subversion

    C.I.A. is controled of government by a tyrannical elite oligarchy corruption, illegal drugs, child prostitution, elections fraud, terrorism, assassinations, murder, fraud,
    war crimes, black mail, treason, tyranny and subversion

    All these organized nations have took control of our government by a tyrannical elite oligarchy with out any votes from the senate, congress or the american people they are un american grounds to impeach Obama?

    Georgia guidestones plans to De-populate the world also violates the constitution

    One military to police the world
    One dictator to control the world
    One world religion Satan god of light there are many tv actors, singers, polatitions and rich people that sold thier souls to satan

    StrawBerryTart Reply:
    March 22nd, 2012 at 9:16 am


    Vengeance Reply:
    March 22nd, 2012 at 10:22 am

    Your more than welcome to ride this sucker out with me and the neighbors up here in Oregon…
    *digging-in to save people’s lives*

  5. Hey, wait a minute, is that the Australia that has been investing in the global warming agenda, and declaring everyone to obey it ? Oh shit, you mean it bit you in the arse ? Blimey ! That’s terrible !

    sbee1441 Reply:
    March 22nd, 2012 at 11:51 am

    LOL! I think you’ve got it.

  6. David Rockefeller is 96 years old! He’ll be dead soon!

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