War of words escalates over Malvinas

The clash between Prime Minister David Cameron and Argentinean President Cristina Fernndez de Kirchner marked as the latest escalation of war of words over the South Atlantic archipelago, to which both countries have claims, British media reported.

Cameron approached Fernandez in a corridor confrontation and told her that she should “respect the views” of the Islanders, who will soon hold a referendum on their future sovereignty.

Tensions over the issue have been escalating in recent weeks, following the announcement of the referendum and Argentina’s continued claims to sovereignty. The Argentinean president has called for talks over sovereignty of the Islands, yet Cameron has stated there will be “no negotiation” on the issue.

The clash occurred prior to the first session of the G20 summit in Mexico, in which both countries are participating. There are no formal talks scheduled between Argentina and the United Kingdom at the summit.

“I am not proposing a full discussion now on the Falklands but I hope you have noted that they are holding a referendum and you should respect their views”, Cameron told Fernandez during the conversation.

“We should believe in self determination and act as democrats here in the G20”, he added.

Fernandez then tried to hand Cameron a copy of the 1985 UN Resolution 40/21 that asks both countries to reach a “peaceful” agreement regarding the Islands.

Argentina’s foreign minister, Hector Timmerman claimed the president had the UN resolutions and told Cameron: “Let’s respect the United Nations.”

“The prime minister refused to accept the documents, turned his back and walked away without a farewell”, he added.

Timmerman later spoke out against Cameron’s actions, saying: “After years of acting as a colonial power they have forgotten that they are responsible for the existence of colonialism, and that it is countries like Argentina that defeated most of the colonial projects in the world.”

“Nation states have the obligation to talk. We prepared an envelope containing various papers, but the British prime minister refused to receive it. Britain continues to refuse to talk”, added the foreign minister.


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