Wash. man sentenced to life in NW killings

EVERETT, Wash. (AP) — A Washington man has been sentenced to life in prison after pleading guilty to two murders in a deadly crime spree through Washington, Oregon and California.

David “Joey” Pedersen pleaded guilty Monday to two counts of aggravated murder for killing his father, Red Pedersen, and stepmother, Leslie Pedersen, in Everett in September.

The Daily Herald (http://is.gd/fJOYgQ ) reports Snohomish County Superior Court Judge Linda Krese on Friday sentenced David Pedersen to the only penalty available after prosecutors agreed not to seek the death penalty.

Still facing trial in the case is Holly Grigsby, David Pedersen’s girlfriend.

The two also face charges in Oregon and California. Federal prosecutors could consolidate the cases, and prosecute them as hate crimes.

The Daily Herald reports that in court Friday, Pedersen admitted to killing two people in Oregon and California — a teen who was shot because he had a “Jewish sounding” last name, and a black man who Pedersen thought was a drug dealer.

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