Watch George Will Destroy Joe Kline’s Gun Control Argument

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July 23, 2012

Gun control laws would not have stopped James Holmes getting his hands on firearms.

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17 Responses to “Watch George Will Destroy Joe Kline’s Gun Control Argument”

  1. Since President J.F.K. was killed by an assasins bullet gun laws piled up one on another. There today about 21,000 + gun control laws. As a kid I did order a .22 cal. rifle through the mail. I also can remember anyone going to most hardware stores and buying guns and ammo no questions at all were asked…….Now with so many people being a steady customer of Pharma or being a member of so many brainless gangs its no wonder there are anti-gun laws….Do they work ? No . ……..Eric Holder STILL has his job and will never see, not ever, 1 day behind bars.

  2. I got NOTHING from that gaggle of cackling hens..

    FACT: the guns being banned in the theater contributed to a LOT more deaths and injuries,
    making the theater itself by its own policy, an accessory to this crime.

    people are a whole lot less likely to open fire if theres a potential for return fire.
    an armed society is a polite society, PERIOD !!!

    in an armed society there isnt “need” of taxpayer parasites in bulletproof vests.
    theres less liklihood of “police” showing up 10 minutes later to make a report,
    that is inclusive to YOU being just another cadaver.

  3. Ah, the cackling hen association. I met George at a Ball Game, he’s a wonderful man. No, gun control only means people in control should have guns. And since we can’t determine that, law enforcement should be prepared for idiots…..ah but if those in control are carrying, I assure you, you will have a peaceful society. In all the noise of an argument, when the shuttle makes a sound of loading a shell into the chamber, a soothing quietness develops cooling heated heads.

  4. What a dumbass not one army uses semi auto guns. Typical libtard Arming cops with tasers has increased un necessary violence and deaths but noone is talking about that. Had there been some one like that upstanding American that shot those two punks robbing the internet cafe I bet it would have ended differently. All the cops showed up quickly in battle gear {wonder why}but too late to stop this false flag from happening. These are victims of the policy makers and their push to confiscate firearms. Coincidence at the timing of the un agenda HMMMMMMMM

  5. The most amazing and distressing thing to me about the gun grabber argument is that those who believe in the Constitution and its Second Amendment simply do not use the knowledge available to them to combat the likes of Feinstein, Muroch, Brady, Obama, etc. They should point at their gun grabber opponents and state loudly, “It’s the likes of you that prompted our Founding Fathers to give us the Second Amendment in the first place. All tyrants want a disarmed populace; the Founding Fathers tried to save us from such, and the likes of you, whom tyrants regard as useful idiots. The goal of socialist interlopers, like all other tyrants, is to disarm the people so that they can easily control and kill them. Human history is replete with examples. You are far more of a menace to society than guns.”

    And then go on to thwart the argument against assault rifles in the hands of the populace with the fact that the military has much more sophisticated and deadly rifles, full automatics with all manner of attachments, and is being deployed on our streets under various pretexts. Soon, military forces, which now include “nationalized” law enforcement agencies, will be getting armored personnel carriers, tanks and drones, as starters. Under the control of the Pentagon, and thus the White House. Our Founding Fathers knew that if the populace was outgunned in this manner, in the face of a tyrant, as we now see in spades, freedom would go the way of last week’s newspaper. Gone.

    Furthermore, tyrants kill by the millions, not by the score as do programmed human robots like the one in Aurora. Since the gun grabbers are having a field day with this one, and since our Second Amendment is now up for grabs at the UN, we can expect more of the same, with wall to wall preaching, moaning and groaning about how we need to control guns, not those who would misuse them. And law abiding citizens can watch in horror as their guns are confiscated and thugs are allowed to retain, resteal them, or get theirs on the black market or from the military or law enforcement. “When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.” A truism. Coming to your neighborhood soon.

    While the MSM salivates 24/7 over the tragedy in Colorado, one-world Nazi tyrants, disguised as freedom loving Christians, will continue to devastate the Middle East, killing and displacing millions. Afghanistan, Iraq, Egypt, Libya, now Syria with Iran in their sights. One onslaught after another, with deadly results for the target nation and, tragically, for America’s youth, unable to find work and therefore turned into cannon fodder by the Nazis in control. To return home, mentally and physically damaged, to join the ranks of our growing black clad goon “internal security forces” and continue to wield full automatic weapons aimed at citizens. If you believe TSA is out of control, just wait a few months. That organization will look like a bunch of little old Sunday school teachers trying to find their Bibles and butts. Count on it!!

    Sounds like a socialist police state to me, already pretty much in place. And if they can see it, our Founding Fathers are spinning over in their graves at about 20,000 rpm. And if they could somehow come back now, they’d kick our butts to the moon for letting socialist slickies talk us out of our last defense against a Nazi or communist dictatorship to replace the republic they gave us.

    Did they give us the Second Amendment in vain? Looks like it.

    captain obvious Reply:
    July 23rd, 2012 at 3:29 am

    LOVED that first paragraph! absolutely right on.
    everything after too btw.

    lock and load Reply:
    July 23rd, 2012 at 6:12 am

    Any rifle , in the proper hands ; could be termed an assault rifle . There’s only one reason the pols want gun control , they want control of the guns .

  6. Could it be this young person who commited this evil crime, not the result of the modern mnd conditioning of video war games children are given at very low ages?

    conditioning the futur military servants at very very young ages. We do not know half of what goes on in this mind control agenda. They been studying it for a long time they know the mecanisms that ignite the mind to act??????

    but most of us are ignorant on this issue?

  7. IF a guy can boobytrap his appartment,? why would he have not blown up a building with more people?? lets wake up here. The debate is being manipulated to the gun control necessity???

    but is it the true issue? take away all the guns I mean all of them even military guns and what will happen? well we might see all sorts of new old weapons used, wether it’s fuel bombs ignited or a chainsaw to what ever evil weapon a human can imagine?? there is no true way to stop evil except FREE will.

    If humans accept to serve evil where ever that happens, what can the rest of us do about it?

    we either sit down and bla bla bla about it and nothing changes? or we do what is necessary to stop this NWO threat of world depopulation?

    example: if I am a military man and I know I am ordered to destroy the constitution with military actions, I am guilty of this evil also. NO exuses like I was ordered to do a job or I have a family a house and car to pay????? evil is served by very good people also until they wake up about it.
    and they decide to: ” BE the change they want to see ”

    Vic Reply:
    July 23rd, 2012 at 6:06 am

    it is so easy to influence humans, you just need to hit home????? then they fall for the false flags synbolisms planned to manipulate there human brains and it’s reactions after the fact without having all the facts??? perceptions are manipulated by medias also???? and who can control the medias?

  8. and we train the children with the video games

  9. Look at the constitution !!!!!!!!!!

    it was created to avoid what we now see happening no?

    proof that no laws can eliminate evil crimes.

    we were asked to follow 10 simple commandments and we were unable to do so?

  10. I happened to watch this whole thing yesterday while trying to wake up. The Doctor and the woman from the Washington Post made more sense. But Gov. Rendell and the other ding bats were going on about more gun control and preventing the sale of automatic weapons. And we all know you can not get automatic weapons the conventional way.
    Last Thought is “People kill People NOT GUNS.
    The guy could have went in there with a crossbow and some other ways to kill and we would not be talking about this. The incident would be a blur in time…

  11. Banning Circumcision in the USA would markedly reduce gun violence!


    Reducing Drug Consumption would help as well!


    Oh and turn the TV off as well, there’s nothing worth watching anyway

  12. If there was even one armed lawbiding citizen in the thearter that night, it wouldn’t have gotton so bad

  13. Colorado has CCW. Is there a specific law that prohibits carrying in a theater in Co?

    If anyone here knows the answer, please post it here. thanks

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