Welsh police bribed to replace lost income in cuts with “rewards” for dealing with riots away from home!


Foreword by Mark McCrystal

A dangerous precedent that gives police an interest in provoking civil unrest away from home. Under the forced EU Lisbon treaty, police can be bribed (until they are sent!) to go outside their own country to deal with unrest.

This is intentionally appealing to the financially struggling and ‘mercenary type’ police officers, likely to have less empathy with protesters outside their own environment and be less fearful of retribution from people they would be persecuting on behalf of the banker-owned-governments.


South Wales Police Federation brands cuts plans an ‘attack on officers’


Police Federation officials have hit out at planned cuts to forces including South Wales Police

By Brendan Hughes
Jan 10 2012

Home Secretary Theresa May – who will have the final say on whether to ratify the proposals – has clashed with officers since former rail regulator Tom Winsor’s review last year recommended the biggest reform of police pay in 30 years.

The issue was sent to the Police Arbitration Tribunal (PAT) after the sides failed to negotiate an agreement on the Winsor proposals.

Most of the key principles of the proposals put forward by the Winsor were accepted by the tribunal in yesterday’s ruling.

It said most savings should come from abolishing £1,200-a-year “special priority payments”, and a two-year freeze on officers moving up pay scales automatically.

Officers who get sent to deal with riots outside their force area could be rewarded with a new “away from home overnight allowance” of £50 a night.

It also ruled that progression up the first three steps on the constables’ pay scale should be excluded from the proposed suspension on police officers’ pay scale.

Read More: South Wales Police Federation brands cuts plans an ‘attack on officers’


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