West Australia to launch shark cull

“I’m not aware of any series of fatal shark attacks, this number, in such a short period of time anywhere in the world,” he said. “We really can’t tell what’s behind that. Last year a large proportion of the global shark fatalities occurred in WA. So last year was particularly bad – this year has already started very tragically.”

The state’s Shark Response Unit said authorities would kill any sharks regarded as dangerous but ruled out a cull.

“We have the option of capturing the shark and destroying it if it’s a danger to the public, but certainly there are no thoughts of a cull to reduce total shark numbers,” said a spokesman, Tony Cappelluti.

While some states in Australia have adopted widespread use of shark nets, authorities in WA said the nets can actually attract sharks because fish and fauna become trapped.

Colin Barnett, the state premier, said he would consider increased fishing of sharks – even though the great white is a protected species.

“If the population of sharks is multiplying and growing then I don’t think those restrictions should be so restrictive,” he said.

Life guards at beaches in the area have apparently claimed the increase in attacks has begun to change the way people swim and many beachgoers are now avoiding venturing far out to sea.

“Surf lifesaving also told us anecdotally that they see people changing their behaviour at the beach, particularly swimming early in the morning and people are sticking much closer to the shoreline,” Mr Cappelluti said.

“If we have anymore fatalities, obviously that [behaviour] will increase but over time I think people who love the aquatic environment and love our beaches will go back in to the water.”

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