‘West, Israel mock UN efforts in Syria’

Freelance journalist Lizzie Phelan said if there is any “genuine effort by the observers on the ground in Syria, then it will be derided by the likes of (US Ambassador to the UN) Susan Rice, the NATO powers, Israel, etc.”

“It is really ironic that we have Susan Rice in the United Nations condemning the Syrian government, already calling the mission a failure. Of course, this is the mission that her country has waited for.”

Phelan made the comments in an interview with Press TV hours after the UN Security Council met on Saturday and unanimously voted on a resolution to send a mission of 300 observers to monitor a ceasefire that went into effect in Syria on April 12.

“This observer mission will be objected (by the anti-Damascus front) and will vindicate, essentially, the analysis of the Syrian government that they are fighting against an armed insurgency supported by the Zionist entity and the Western powers.”

The journalist added that the armed groups the US government is supporting are the ones that have “committed more than 500 violations (of the ceasefire)” since it took effect.

“It is not the Syrian government that is violating the resolution or the ceasefire, but it is the insurgents and the NATO powers that are violating the ceasefire.”

Phelan also stated that the United States, NATO and other Western powers still seek to “push ahead with their futile aims of regime change in Syria.”


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