‘Western spies cannot visit Parchin’

Iran and IAEA held a new round of talks in the Austrian capital, Vienna, on Friday, ahead of the forthcoming multifaceted negotiations between Tehran and the P5+1 – the US, France, Russia, China, and Britain plus Germany – in the Russians capital, Moscow.

The IAEA is pressing Iran for an agreement to give its inspectors immediate access to the Parchin military complex, where the agency claims explosive tests related to development of nuclear weapons have taken place.

Tehran has forcefully rejected claims that it pursues military objectives in its nuclear energy program saying that as a member of the IAEA and a signatory to the Non-Proliferation Treaty it is entitled to peaceful applications of nuclear energy.

“Parchin industries are non-nuclear military industries and we will not allow Western spies to inspect our military technology,” Iranian lawmaker, Evaz Heidarpour, said on Saturday.

He added that Iran has high deterrence power in military terms and is the dominant power in the region in military industries.

“The US and the West are trying to access information related to our military industries. We, as the people’s representatives, will not allow our military industries, which are devoid of any kind of nuclear activity, to be visited by Western spies,” he reiterated.

The lawmaker stated that Iran may even sue the IAEA for taking satellite photos of Parchin military site.

On May 26, head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, Fereydoun Abbasi, said the IAEA insistence on visiting Parchin is due to pressure from certain countries.

Abbasi added that Iran has not been convinced and “no documents or reason has been presented to us” to persuade us to arrange a visit to Parchin military site.


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