West’s Houla Syria Narrative Crumbles

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May 31, 2012

The UN according to Associated Press, has stated that, “most of the 108 victims of a massacre in [Houla] Syria last week were shot at close range, some of them women, children and entire families gunned down in their own homes.” The UN has also stated that militants, not Syrian soldiers, were responsible for the massacre. The report cites “witness accounts” claiming the militants were “pro-government thugs known as shabiha,” while the Syrian government has claimed the militants were foreign-backed armed terrorists.

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One Response to “West’s Houla Syria Narrative Crumbles”

  1. This can only mean one of two things:
    either the perps were gov thugs disguised as opposition terrorists; or opposition terrorists disguised as gov thugs.

    Personally I prefer a third option – Hollywood directors crafting a naive propaganda yarn for the hawks at the BBC.

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