White House Dogs Eat Off China and Crystal as Americans Eat Dog Food

(Rick Wells) It’s a festive day for the two dogs in the White House. No, not those two, the four legged ones, Bo and Sunny. They got all dressed up in their finest by the royal family for a dinner appropriately hosting the French President, Francois Hollande. In true Marie Antoinette fashion, the dogs were bejeweled and sitting at a table set with china and crystal.

Michelle Obama made sure we all saw their lavish lifestyle that we are paying for by tweeting the photo.

While the dogs aren’t eating cake, it is kind of “rubbing our noses in it” as Americans to see the opulence at the White Palace as we all muddle through this floundering economy.

History teaches lessons about such things. Perhaps the French President can offer some insight into how well things like this are received by struggling masses of “peasants.”


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