Wine-soaked revellers celebrate the start of the San Fermin festival in Pamplona

  • Pamplona running of the bulls festival opens

    06 Jul 2012

In World news

Two Australian men drink wine as they celebrate the start of the San Fermin Festival 2012 

Pamplona festival kicks off

A Tibetan girl dressed in traditional attire is pictured during the 77th birthday celebration of the exiled spiritual leader the Dalai Lama in Kathmandu, Nepal 

Dalai Lama’s birthday

The 4th of July: American Independence Day 2012 in pictures 

The 4th of July in pictures

Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, a member of female punk band,  

Pussy Riot in court

Humpback whales are seen bubble-feeding at sunset in Chatham Strait, Alaska.  By blowing bubbles under the sea they create a bubble net that traps their fish prey close to the surface of the water.  

Pictures of the day


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