Winemakers and wine lovers should uncork these Android apps

Last week, we brought you a list of apps that are perfect for beer fans and homebrew enthusiasts. This week, we’re turning our attention to the humble grape and offering you a selection of handy Android apps which will not only assist the aspiring winemaker, but also help you find the best vineyards and wine near you.

Wine – List, Ratings Cellar (Free)

Before you even consider making your own wine, it’s valuable to analyze what you are already drinking and keep taking notes and data on your favorites. Wine – List, Ratings Cellar can help because it enables you to keep a journal containing data like quantity, vintage, drink by date, and location. You can also read wine reviews and picks that others have shared or add interesting wines you’d like to try to your wish list. Wine Notes Free performs a similar function and is worth a look, too.

Hello Vino – Wine App (Free)

One of the most popular wine apps on Android, Hello Vino is a valuable resource if you find yourself in a local wine store and don’t know what to purchase. The app helps you pick the perfect wine for various occasions, whether it be dinner, gifts, holidays or simply personal taste  preference. There are also numerous wine and food pairings, holiday gift ideas, wine reviews and ratings.

Download the Appolicious Android app

Winerypedia Winery Locator (Free)

Now that you have been keeping notes and discovering your favorite varietals and vintages, it’s probably time to visit some local wineries and see how the pros do it. There are plenty of apps for specific wine-growing areas (like Napa/Sonoma in California or Victoria in Australia) but Winerypedia provides real-time distances via GPS to wineries all over the world, or you can simply search for them. Winerypedia contains an ever-expanding database of 5,800 wineries so far across more than 13 countries.

WineMaking Forum (Free)

The Wine Making Talk website and its related forum are popular spots for winemaking enthusiasts to read-up and discuss their art. This straightforward app brings the forum directly to your Android device. It could prove very useful if you’re out in the garage away from your laptop, or at a local store looking to purchase the necessary items you require to make your winemaking exploits a success.

Winemaker’s Toolbox ($1.99)

For two bucks, Winemaker’s Toolbox offers an awful lot, and will be invaluable to the home winemaker or even the professional vintner. It allows you to make all the calculations and conversions necessary, directly from your Android device, including potential alcohol, required sugar, fortification formulae, sulphur dioxide additions, acidity calculations and more. Check out the free Winemaker’s PA Calculator app if you only want to estimate the amount of alcohol in your wine both pre- and post-fermentation.

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